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Frank Jotzo

Professor, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy; Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.


PhD ANU, Master of Economics of Development ANU, Dipl-VWL (BA Economics), Humboldt U Berlin

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On the outer

Pressure on Australia to clarify climate stance as US and China move.

The very big picture on climate change

Crawford academics contribute to IPCC climate change report.

The axis of environment

Frank Jotzo on how the future global environment starts in Asia.

Wrong way, go back

What is the best way to tackle climate change?

Crawford academics call climate plan ‘unsuitable’

Experts urge adoption of carbon pricing in Senate testimony.

Getting the rate right

To cut emissions more, carbon taxes need to raise less.

China set for carbon pricing

New study led by Crawford School expert.

Failure to fire

The importance of clear communication.

Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team