Crawford School of Public Policy

Crawford School is The Australian National University’s public policy school, serving and influencing Australia, Asia and the Pacific through advanced policy research, graduate and executive education, and policy impact.

Tax-induced emissions? Evidence of unintended consequences from carbon taxation in wholesale electricity markets

Corrective taxation of negative externalities is not unambiguously welfare improving in imperfectly competitive markets. Gordon Leslie shows that for carbon taxation in wholesale electricity markets, introducing a small carbon tax that reduces without eliminating the cost advantage of emissions-heavy, coal based electricity generation over gas based electricity generation can increase equilibrium carbon emissions for some fixed levels of demand.

Sharing the global climate finance effort

Securing a global deal to help low-income countries tackle climate change

In the race, but at the back

Australia has finally come to the climate change party, writes Frank Jotzo.

Electricity demand and Australia’s renewable energy targets: where to?

Hugh Saddler: What has been happening to residential electricity demand in Australia?

Average annual electricity consumption per residential consumer has been falling steadily in every state since around 2009. The presentation will examine the factors which may explain this reduction and speculate on where electricity consumption may go in the next few years. It will also include some preliminary results from an analysis of how low income households use electricity.

Obama's new climate plan is leadership fuel for other nations

Clean Power Plan will encourage international action, writes Frank Jotzo.

Germany’s energy transition and implications for Australia

With the energy transition or Energiewende, the German government aims to deeply reduce carbon dioxide emissions by increasing renewable energy to 60 per cent of total energy supply by mid-century, and by drastically reducing total energy consumption.

Maximise your potential

Expert knowledge for public policy professionals.

China's climate change pledge

Frank Jotzo reviews China's long-anticipated pledge to the international climate change negotiations.

Ambitious reductions

Australia can cut emissions deeply and with low cost.


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Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team