Crawford School of Public Policy

Crawford School is The Australian National University’s public policy school, serving and influencing Australia, Asia and the Pacific through advanced policy research, graduate and executive education, and policy impact.

Timor-Leste's economic development & priorities

Helder Lopes, Governor of the Central Bank of Timor Leste, will present Timor-Leste’s economic development and key economic priorities across seven outlines: economic growth, inflation, employment, public finance, monetary sector, external sector, and policy priority.

This event is a joint event hosted by Development Policy Centre and Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis as a part of Special Visit Program of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Australia-China decarbonisation roundtable

The Australia China Business Council will host a hybrid roundtable organised by the Australian National University on the implications of decarbonisation for Australia and China.

Join our curated panel of experts to discuss recent energy & climate policy developments and areas for bilateral cooperation.

Best practice for long-term emissions strategies, and the NZ Climate Change Commission’s advice

Long-term strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are important to support policy and investment decision. The UN climate process calls on all countries to submit such a strategy. Some have been submitted, others are in preparation.

In this webinar we will provide a summary of a new ANU study on best practice for long-term emissions strategies, examining suitable processes, useful elements and steps to implementation.

The future of US climate policy under a Biden administration: Some implications for Australia

Dr Morris will discuss the dramatically changed outlook for climate policy in the United States arising from the election of Joe Biden. She’ll cover which potential initiatives the new Administration can pursue with existing authority along with the leading options that would require bipartisan cooperation with a Republican-held Senate. She’ll review what these changes mean for the United States’ participation in the Paris Agreement and other international relations.

After Hazelwood: what can be learned from Latrobe Valley regional transition policies?

In this webinar we review and evaluate key policy initiatives and strategies designed to strengthen regional economic, social and environmental outcomes in the Latrobe Valley in the three years following the closure of the Hazelwood power station. We find that employment and economic outcomes in the three years since closure indicate promising initial progress in creating the foundations required to facilitate an equitable transition to a more prosperous and sustainable regional economy.

Japan’s 2050 Net zero target – Is it a big deal?

Last week Japan’s new Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, used his first address to parliament to commit Japan to a 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target. Japan also began last month to revise its mid-term energy policy targets, meaning policy settings in the near-term will need to change to reflect the new net-zero target. In this event two eminent academics from Japan will discuss the near-term implications of Japan’s net-zero target for energy policy, and what modeling suggest needs to happen for Japan to reach the 2050 target.


Carrying coal to Newcastle: Talking about water marketing to Australian economists!

This seminar explores what can be learned about water markets, and environmental markets and environmental policy reform more generally, from the successes (climate policy ) and failures (water markets) in California and the successes (water markets) and failures (climate policy) in Australia. Moreover, what can be learned from the successes and failures of the economic analysis of environmental markets and policies?

Evaluating climate change mitigation policy of Japan: A multi-model approach

In June 2019, Japan announced its plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 and achieve decarbonisation later. In light of its unique characteristics (smaller renewable resources, the large presence of heavy industry, issues with nuclear and CCS, etc.), Japan faces many challenges in its long term climate change mitigation. In this study (Stanford Energy Modeling Forum 35 Japan Model Intercomparison), the researchers analyse the climate policy proposal of Japan by taking into about inter-model uncertainty and conducting sensitivity analyses.


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Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team