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Keith Barney

Associate Professor & Head of Department: Resources, Environment, and Development Group


Ph.D. (Geography, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2011) M.E.S. (Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2002) B.Sc. (Biological Science, University of Guelph, Canada, 1998)

Contact details

Guest Editor for Journal Special Issues and Special Sections

  • Allen, M. and K. Barney (2019). “Recent Developments in the Extractive Industries in the Asia-Pacific.” The Extractive Industries and Society. July, 2019.
  • Creak, S. and K. Barney (2018). “Party-State Governance and Rule in Laos.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. 48(5)

Journal articles

  • Ling, S., K. Phonetip, K. Sitthivong, S. Chaisy and K. Barney (2024). “From Fields to Factory: Women and Plantation Wood Processing in Laos.” Australian Forestry.
  • Barney, K. (2024). “Commercial Timber Plantations and Community Livelihoods: Insights from Comparative Case Studies in Southern Laos.” Forest Policy and Economics.
  • Mahanty, S., S. Milne, K. Barney, W. Dressler, P. Hirsch and P. To (2023). “Clarifying Rupture: An Author’s Reply.” Dialogues in Human Geography. 13(2): 216-220.
  • Mahanty, S., S. Milne, K. Barney, W. Dressler, P. Hirsch and P. To (2023). “Rupture: Towards a Critical, Emplaced and Experiential View of Nature-Society Crisis.” Dialogues in Human Geography. 13(2): 177-196.
  • Creak, S. and K. Barney (2022). “The Role of ‘Resources’ in Regime Durability in Laos: The Political Economy of Statist Market Socialism”. Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 55(4): 35-58.
  • Blake, D. J. H. and K. Barney (2021). “Impounded Rivers, Compounded Injustice: Contesting the Social Impacts of Hydraulic Development in Laos.” International Journal of Water Resources Development. 38(1): 130-151.
  • Barney, K. and K. Souksakoun (2021). “Credit Crunch: Chinese Infrastructure Lending and Lao Sovereign Debt.” Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies. 8: 94-113.
  • Sunam, R. K. Barney and J.F. McCarthy (2021). “Transnational Labour Migration and Livelihoods in Rural Asia: Tracing Patterns of Agrarian and Forest Change.” Geoforum. 118: 1-13.
  • Griffin, C. and K. Barney (2020). “Local Disaster Knowledge: Towards a Plural Understanding of Volcanic Disasters in Central Java’s Highlands, Indonesia.” Geographical Journal. 187(1): 2-15.
  • Van Der Meer Simo, A., P. Kanowski and K. Barney (2020). “The Role of Agroforestry in Swidden Transitions: A Case Study in the Context of Customary Land Tenure in Central Lao PDR.” Agroforestry Systems. 94: 1929–1944.
  • Van Der Meer Simo, A., P. Kanowski and K. Barney (2020). “Economic Returns to Households Participating in Models of Commercial Tree Plantations in Lao PDR.” International Forestry Review. 22(1): 132-152.
  • Allen, M. and K. Barney (2019). “Resource-making, Materiality and the Disruptive Geographies of the Extractive Industries in the Asia-Pacific.” The Extractive Industries and Society. 6(3): 733-736.
  • Van Der Meer Simo, A., P. Kanowski and K. Barney (2018). “Revealing Environmental Income in Rural Livelihoods: Evidence from Four Villages in Lao PDR.” Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 28(1): 16-33.
  • Creak, S. and K. Barney (2018). “Conceptualising Party-State Governance and Rule in Laos.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. 48(5): 693-716.
  • Blake, D. J. H. and K. Barney (2018). “Structural Injustice, Slow Violence? The Political Ecology of a ‘Best Practice’ Dam in Lao PDR.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. 48(5): 808-834.
  • Barney, K. and R. Sunam (2018). “Beyond Rural Routes: Gendered Migration, Agrarian Production and Forest Change in Java.” Commentary on N. Peluso and A. Purwanto’s ‘The Remittance Forest’. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 39: 37-40.
  • Baird, I. G. and K. Barney (2017). “The Political Ecology of Cumulative Impacts: Modern Landscapes, Large Hydropower Dams and Industrial Tree Plantations in Laos and Cambodia.” Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4): 769-795. Also published as chapter in P. Vandergeest and L. Shoenberger (ed.’s) (2018). De-Centering Land Grabbing: Southeast Asia Perspectives on Agrarian-Environmental Transformations. London: Routledge.
  • Barney, K. (2016). “Sparking Development or Consuming the Countryside? Lao Charcoal Commodity Networks in the Mekong Region.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 57(2): 194-206.
  • Barney, K (2014). “Ecological Knowledge and the Making of Plantation Concession Territories in Southern Lao PDR.” Conservation and Society. 12 (4): 352-363.
  • Barney, K. (2012). “Land, Livelihoods and Remittances: A Political Ecology of Youth Outmigration Across the Lao-Thai Mekong Border.” Critical Asian Studies. 44(1): 57-83. Also published as a chapter in P. F. Kelly (ed.) (2013). Migration, Agrarian Transition, and Rural Change in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge.
  • Baird, I.G., K. Barney, P. Vandergeest and B. Shoemaker (2009). “Reading Too Much into Aspirations: More Explorations of the Space between Coerced and Voluntary Resettlement in Laos.” Critical Asian Studies. 41(4): 605-614.
  • Barney, K. (2009) “Laos and the Making of a ‘Relational’ Resource Frontier.” Geographical Journal. 175 (2): 146-159.
  • Barney, K. (2004). “Re-encountering Resistance: Plantations Activism and Smallholder Production in Thailand and Sarawak, Malaysia” Asia-Pacific Viewpoint. 45(3): 325-339.
  • Katsigris, E., G. Bull, A. White, C. Barr, K. Barney, Y. Bun, F. Kahrl, T. King, A.  Lankin, A. Lebedev, P. Shearman, A. Sheingauz, S. Yufang, H. Weyerhauser (2004). “The China Forest Products Trade: Overview of Asia-Pacific Supplying Countries, Impacts and Implications.” International Forestry Review. 6 (3-4): 237-253.

Book chapters

Book reviews

  • Barney, K. (2022). Review of Jerome Whitington “Anthropogenic Rivers: The Production of Uncertainty in Lao Hydropower.” Pacific Affairs. 95(1): 170-172.
  • Barney, K. (2019). Review of Bruce Shoemaker and William Robichaud (ed.’s) “Dead in the Water: Global Lessons from the World Bank’s Model Hydropower Project in Laos.” Southeast Asian Studies. 8(1): 153-157.
  • Barney, K. (2016). Review of Tomas Larsson “Land and Loyalty: Security and the Development of Property Rights in Thailand.” Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Journal of Asian Studies. 75: 270-273.
  • Barney, K. (2014). Review of Sarah Turner (ed.) “Red Stamps and Gold Stars: Fieldwork Dilemmas in Upland Socialist Asia.”. Vancouver: UBC Press. New Mandala: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia. December 2014.
  • Barney, K. (2012). ‘Meuang Metaphysics’. Review of Sarinda Singh (2012) “Natural Potency and Political Power: Forests and State Authority in Contemporary Laos.” Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Southeast Asian Studies. 1(3): 513-516.
  • Barney, K. (2012). ‘Entitled to Your Entitlements.’ Review of Derek Hall, Philip Hirsch and Tania Li (2011) “Powers of Exclusion: Land Dilemmas in Southeast Asia.” Singapore and Manoa: NUS Press and University of Hawaii Press. New Mandala: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia.
  • Barney, K. (2011). ‘The Ties that Bind.’ Review of Jim Glassman (2010) “Bounding the Mekong: The Asian Development Bank, Thailand, and China.” Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 52(2): 228-229.
  • Dwyer, M. and K. Barney (2009). ‘Apprentice Nationalists.’ Review of Soren Ivarsson (2008) “Creating Laos: The Making of a Lao Space Between Indochina and Siam, 1860-1945.” Copenhagen: Nias Press. Asia-Pacific Viewpoint. 50 (2): 247-49.

Other Publications

Policy and Technical Reports

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