Keith Barney's picture

Keith Barney

Associate Professor & Head of Department: Resources, Environment, and Development Group


Ph.D. (Geography, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2011) M.E.S. (Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2002) B.Sc. (Biological Science, University of Guelph, Canada, 1998)

Contact details

Keith was a 2018 Nominee for an ANU Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research Supervision (Early Career Category):

Primary Doctoral Supervision/Panel Chair

Current Students

Vita Elysia- Examining sanitation provision in Jakarta’s kampungs: Access, risk and rights to the city

Zarin Yesmin Chaity

Graduated Students

Dr. Kanya Souksakoun- Towards sustainable hydropower: Policy implementation and livelihood transformation in the Sekong Basin, Laos

Dr. Christina Griffin- Dissertation: Vulnerability, livelihoods and disaster knowledge in the volcanic highlands of Central Java, Indonesia: ‘Itu sudah biasa’ (2018)

  • Griffin, C. and K. Barney (2020). “Local Disaster Knowledge: Towards a Plural Understanding of Volcanic Disasters in Central Java’s Highlands, Indonesia.” Geographical Journal. 187(1): 2-15.
  • Griffin, C. (2019). “Prosperity Beyond Belief: The Interaction Between a Potato Crop Boom, Vulnerability and Volcanic Hazard in Central Java, Indonesia.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 41(1): 23-39.
  • Griffin, C. (2018). “The Dieng ‘Hazardscape’: A Political Ecology of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Java’s Central Highlands.” Environmental Hazards. 18(1): 26-42.

Associate Supervision on Doctoral Panels

Current Students

Jed Alegado - Rethinking an alternative development path in the Global South: Unpacking Philippines’ zero waste community sites as a pathway for de-growth

Ananda Devkota- Rural livelihoods and vulnerability to environmental and socio-economic change: A comparative case of high value agriculture in the mid-hills of Nepal

Graduated Students

Dr. Soytavanh Mienmany- Riding the boom: Rural households’ participation and livelihood outcomes associated with teak, banana, and cassava crops in Northern Laos

Soytavanh Mienmany: Three ArcGIS StoryMaps of China-linked agricultural and forestry crop booms in northern Laos

Dr. Alex Van der Meer Simo- More than the trees: A comparative study of the contribution of four tree plantation models to rural livelihoods in Lao PDR

Alex Van der Meer Simo “A PhD Forged in the Fire of Life”

  • Van Der Meer Simo, A., P. Kanowski and K. Barney (2020). “The Role of Agroforestry in Swidden Transitions: A Case Study in the Context of Customary Land Tenure in Central Lao PDR.” Agroforestry Systems. 94: 1929–1944
  • Van Der Meer Simo, A., P. Kanowski and K. Barney (2020). “Economic Returns to Households Participating in Models of Commercial Tree Plantations in Lao PDR.” International Forestry Review. 22(1): 1-21
  • Barney, K. and A. Van der Meer Simo (2019). “Forest-Land Commons in Laos in the Twenty-First Century: Agrarian Capitalism and the ‘Non-Commodified Subsistence Guarantee.’” Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Issue 25. (also translated into Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese and Tagalog)
  • Van der Meer Simo, A., P. Kanowski and K. Barney (2018). “Revealing Environmental Income in Rural Livelihoods: Evidence from Four Villages in Lao PDR.” Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 28(1): 16-33.

Dr. Ahmad Dhiaulhaq- Dissertation: Environmental justice and the political economy of land conflict resolution in Indonesia’s forestry and palm oil sectors (2020)

Dr. Hua Hong Hieu- Dissertation: Farmers’ decision-making in relation to rice-based farming systems in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (2019)

Dr. Mohit Chaturvedi- Dissertation: Changing practices of meat consumption amongst Hindus in a north Indian town (2019)

Dr. Khaing Khaing Soe- Dissertation: The interaction of community forestry with rural livelihoods in Myanmar: Challenges and opportunities (2018)

Selected Masters Research Project/Internship/Thesis Supervision

2023: Simon Caldwell: “An analysis of public and private regulation of sustainable development in the construction of multi-storey buildings in South Australia”


Yushi Wu: “It’s luxurious. It’s lucky. You should drink this’: Meaning and (dis)association in the consumption of edible birds’ nests in Australia”


Zarin Yesmin Chaity: “Seeing the river through women’s eyes: A feminist political ecology of the Teesta River, Bangladesh” Winner of a 2020 ANU Gender Institute prize for excellence in gender and sexuality research, Masters level

Md. Kabir Hossain: “Water-logging in Jashore District, Bangladesh: Measures for effective community participation in Tidal River Management”


Sandy Nofyanza: The political economy of ‘Kaltim Green’: Insights from the coal mining and oil palm sectors in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Sayuri Ichikawa: Gendered value chain analysis of small-scale fisheries in Myanmar.

Ichikawa, S. (2019). “Notes from the Field: What Does ‘Gender’ Mean in Myanmar’s Rural Fishery Communities?” Ecology, Economy and Society. 2(2): 111-116.


Nga Thi Ha: Investigating the Role of Market Incentives and Local State Actors for Group Forest Certification in Vietnam


Rodney Kirarock: The Development of Pacifical Co-Branding in the Parties to the Nauru Agreement

Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team