Björn Dressel's picture

Björn Dressel

Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy


B Laws/BA Politics (Trier); MA International Relations, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)

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Targeting the Public Purse: Advocacy Coalitions and Public Finance in the Philippines

This article analyses the political dynamics underlying public financial management (PFM) reforms in the Philippine during the Benigno Aquino III administration (2010-present). By inviting widespread civil society participation throughout the budget cycle and by imposing greater transparency and accountability, they mark a substantial policy change in Filipino PFM. Centering on the evolution of public finance advocacy coalitions, this article argues a new type of coalition has emerged among technocratic non-governmental organisations, which are now able to place ‘policy brokers’ directly in the national administration. However, institutional structures, dependence on donors, and the contest-ability of core beliefs behind these activities raise doubts about whether they are sustainable. These doubts in turn raise fascinating theoretical and empirical questions.

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Political Science

Comparative Politics

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Research Methodology

Governance Issues

Think Tanks/Research Centres


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Asia/Southeast Asia


Asia Centres/Think Tanks

Business Organizations

Southeast Asian Governments

Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team