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Björn Dressel

Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy


B Laws/BA Politics (Trier); MA International Relations, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)

Contact details

Full list available on request


  • Dressel, B. 2019. (with Imelda Deinla, eds.) The Philippines at a Crossroad: Change, Continuity and Rupture. ISEAS.
  • Dressel, B. 2016. (with Marco Buente, eds.) Politics and Constitutions in Southeast Asia. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
  • Dressel, B. 2012. Ed. The Judicialization of Politics in Asia. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Dressel, B. 2024.(with Cristina Bonoan). ‘Autocratization and Judicial Independence in Southeast Asia’ in Yuko Kasuya and Netina Tan (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Autocratization in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge.
  • Dressel, B. 2024. ‘Judge Networks’, in Lee Epstein (ed.) et al., Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behaviour. Oxford University Press.
  • Dressel, B. 2023. ‘The Politics of Judicial Review in Asia’, in David S Law (ed.) et al., Oxford Handbook of Asian Constitutional Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dressel, B. 2023. (with Fakhridho Susilo), ‘Presidential Democracies’, Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments, edited by Rehan Abeyratne and Po Jen Yap, 2022, pp. 82-99.
  • Dressel, B. 2020. ‘Governance and the Rule of Law: Reflections on Tensions in Thailand’, in Stephen McCarthy and Thompson, Mark R., ‘Governance and Democracy in the Asia Pacific: Political and Civil Society’, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp.147-167
  • Dressel, B. 2019. (with Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang) ‘The Judiciary and Judicialization in Thailand’, in Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, Chapter 13, pp.
  • Dressel, B. 2019. ‘From Aquino II to Duterte – Change, Continuity and Rupture’, in Imelda Deinla and Dressel, Björn. The Philippines at a Crossroad: Change, Continuity and Rupture. Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 1-38
  • Dressel, B. 2019. ‘Constitutions, Crisis and Regime Change: Perspectives on East and Southeast Asia’, in Ginsburg, Rosen and Vanberg, Liberal Democratic Constitutions During Severe Financial Crises. Cambridge University Press, pp. 305-326.
  • Dressel, B. 2018. ‘The Informal Dimension of Constitutional Politics in Asia: Insights from the Philippines and Indonesia’ in Chen and Harding (Eds.), Constitutional Courts in Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 60-86.
  • Dressel, B. 2016. ‘Courts and Constitutional Politics in Southeast Asia‘, in Bünte and Dressel (Eds.), Constitutions and Politics in Southeast Asia. Abingdon and New York: Routledge., pp. 251-270
  • Dressel, B. 2016. (with Bünte). ‘Contesting Constitutionalism: Constitutional Politics in Southeast Asia‘, in Bünte and Dressel (Eds.), Constitutions and Politics in Southeast Asia. Abingdon and New York: Routledge., pp 1-21
  • Dressel, B. 2015. ’Courts and Judicialization in Southeast Asia‘, in William Case (ed.) Southeast Asia Democracy Handbook. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 268-282.
  • Dressel, B. 2014. ‘The Many Pathways of Judicialization in Asia’, in Dirk Ehlers et al (Eds.), Constitutionalism and Good Governance: Western and Eastern Perspectives. Berlin: Nomos, pp. 369-392.
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘Enhancing the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies’, in: Collaborative African Budget Initiative (CABRI), Making Budget’s Work: The Implementation Challenge, CABRI Secretariat, Pretoria, pp. 37-46
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘The Judicialization of Politics in Asia: Towards a Framework of Analysis’, in Dressel, B (ed). The Judicialization of Politics in Asia. Routledge, London, pp. 1-22
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘Thailand: Judicialization of Politics or Politicization of the Judiciary’, in Dressel, B (ed). The Judicialization of Politics in Asia. Routledge, London, pp. 67-89
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘The Many Pathways of Judicialization in Asia’, in Dirk Ehlers et al (Eds.), Constitutionalism and Good Governance: Western and Eastern Perspectives, Nomos, Berlin
  • Dressel, B. 2011. ‘The Struggle for Political Legitimacy in Thailand’, in: Kane et al (Eds.), In Search of Legitimacy, Palgrave Macmillan, New York and Houndmills
  • Dressel, B. 2009. ‘Transparency and Accountability in Thailand’s Budget Process’, in: de Ferranti et al (Eds.), How to Improve Governance. A New Framework for Analysis and Action, Brookings Institutions Press, Washington DC., pp. 162-173

Refereed Articles

  • Dressel, B. 2023. (with Tomoo Inoue and Cristina Bonoan) “Justices and Political Loyalties: An Empirical Investigation of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, 1987-2020”, Law and Social Inquiry, 1-25 first view (April 18, 2023) doi:10.1017/lsi.2022.103
  • Dressel, B. 2022. (with Azad Singh Bali). “The Covid-19 Pandemic and Health Policy Change in the Philippines”, Asia Policy, Vol. 17, No.1, pp. 45-53.
  • Dressel, B. 2021. 5. 2021. (with David Stern). “Research Ranking of Public Policy Schools in the Asia-Pacific Region”, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies (APPS), published May 2021.
  • Dressel, B. 2020. (with Tomoo Inoue) “Politics and the Federal Court of Malaysia, 1960-2018: An Empirical Investigation”, Asian Journal of Law and Society (early view August 2020, DOI:
  • Dressel, B. 2019. (with Cristina Bonoan) “Duterte versus the Rule of Law”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.134-147 [2017 Impact Factor 3.047]
  • Dressel, B.2018. (with Tomoo Inoue) “Megapolitical Cases before the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, 2003-2018: An Empirical Study”, Constitutional Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 157-187 (Journal published by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia).
  • Dressel, B. 2018. (with Raul Sanchez-Urribari and Alexander Stroh) “Courts and Informal Networks: Towards a Relational Perspective on Judicial Politics beyond Western Democracies”, International Political Science Review, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 573-584.[2018 Impact Factor: 1.321].
  • Dressel, B. 2018. (with Tomoo Inoue) “Informal Networks and Judicial Decisions: Insights from the Supreme Court of the Philippines, 1986-2015”, International Political Science Review, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 616-633. [2018 Impact Factor: 1.321].
  • Dressel, B. 2018. (with K. Tonsakulrungruang) “Judgements by Shirt Colour? Deconstructing the work of the Thai Constitutional Court, 1998-2016”. Journal of Contemporary Asia. [2017 Impact factor 1.581]
  • Dressel, B. 2018. “Thailand’s Traditional Trinity and the Rule of Law: Can they Coexist?”, Asian Studies Review, Vol. 42 (2), pp. 268-285.
  • Dressel, B. 2018. (with Melissa Curley and Stephen McCarthy) “Competing Visions of the Rule of Law in Asia: Power, Rhetoric and Governance”, Asian Studies Revie, Vol. 42 (2), pp. 192-209.
  • Dressel, B. 2017. (with Raul Sanchez-Urribarri and Alexander Stroh) “The Informal Dimension of Judicial Politics”, Annual Review of Law and Social Science.
  • Dressel, B. 2014. (with Michael Wesley). ‘Asian States in Crisis’, in Strategic Analysis, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 449-463.
  • Dressel, B. 2014. (with Marco Buente) ‘Constitutional Politics in Southeast Asia: From Contestation to Constitutionalism?’, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 36. No. 1, pp. 1-22.
  • Dressel, B. 2014. ‘Public Administration and the Rule of Law in Asia’: Breadth without Depth?, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 9-21. [APJPA Prize Winning Paper]
  • Dressel, B. 2014. Governance, Courts, and Politics in Asia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 259-278.
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘Targeting the Public Purse: Public Finance Advocacy in the Philippines‘, pp. 1-22.
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘Courts and Governance in Asia: Exploring Variations and Effects’, Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 41 part 1, pp. 1-25
  • Dressel B. and Mietzner M. (2012) ‘Towards the Judicialization of Electoral Politics in Southeast Asia? A Tale of Two Courts’, Governance;
  • Dressel, B., Morlino, L. and Pelizzo, R. (2011) ‘Quality of Democracy in Asia: Issues and Trends’, International Political Science Review, Special Edition (editors: Dressel, Morlino and Pelizzo
  • Dressel, B. 2011. ‘Philippines: How Much Real Democracy?’, International Political Science Review, Special Edition (editors Dressel, Morlino and Pelizzo); (ERA ranked A, Impact Factor 0.592)
  • Dressel, B. 2010. ‘Judicialization of Politics or Politicization of the Judiciary in Asia? Considerations from recent events in Thailand,’ The Pacific Review; Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 671-691 (ERA ranked A, Impact Factor 1.216; Area Studies Ranking ¾4)
  • Dressel, B. 2010. ‘Contested Notions of Legitimacy: The Case of Thailand’, Politics & Policy, Vol. 38, No. 3 (June), pp. 445-469 (Official Journal of the Policy Studies Association)
  • Dressel, B. 2009. ‘Thailand’s Elusive Quest for a Workable Constitution, 1997–2007’, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 31, No. 2 (August), pp. 296-325 (ERA ranked B)
  • Dressel, B. 2005. ‘Strengthening Governance Through Constitutional Reform’, Asian Development Bank Governance Brief, No. 13 (May)
  • Dressel, B. 2005. ‘Facing the Perils of Presidentialism?,’ with Francis Fukuyama and Boo-Seung Chang, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 16, No. 2 (April), pp. 102-116 (ERA ranked B, Impact Factor 2.397)

Book Reviews

  • Dressel, B. (2011) ‘The Constitutional System of Thailand: A Contextual Analysis’, by Andrew Harding and Peter Leyland, European Asian Journal of Law and Governance, Vol. 1, No. 2
  • Dressel, B. (2011) ‘Political Authority and Provincial Identity in Thailand: The Making of Banharn-buri’, by Yoshinori Nishizaki, Contemporary Southeast Asia Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 265-67

Short Articles, Policy Briefs, Commentaries

  • Dressel, B. 2023. Australia and the Philippines Transforming Shared Values Into Real Progress. East Asia Forum (October 12, 2023)
  • Dressel, B. 2022. Najib’s Verdict Spells Judicial Change in Malaysia. East Asia Forum (October 6, 2022)
  • Dressel, B. 2021. Volatile politics risks undermining Malaysia’s top courts. East Asia Forum (February 19, 2021)
  • Dressel, B. 2020. COVID-19 and Abusive Constitutionalism in Southeast Asia: Where are the Courts? New Mandala, (July 9, 2020)
  • Dressel, B. 2019. Prabowo challenges Indonesia’s poll result at the Constitutional Court but doubts its impartiality. New research confirms the court’s fairness, The Conversation (June 10, 2019)
  • Dressel, B. 2019. (with Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang) The Ties that Bind: Thailand’s Constitutional Court & the Military Junta, ICONect Blog (June 12, 2019)
  • Dressel, B. 2019. (with Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang) Thai Politics goes to Court. Again, New Mandala (21 February, 2019)
  • Dressel, B. 2018 ‘Constitutional Reform in the Philippines: Cautionary Tales from Thailand’, New Mandala (August 24, 2018)
  • Dressel, B. 2018 ‘Charter Change: Learning from Thailand’, Philippines Inquirer (July 21, 2018)
  • Dressel, B. 2018 (with Bonoan) ‘Dismantling a liberal constitution, one institution at a time’, New Mandala (May 24, 2018)
  • Dressel, B. 2016 (with Harris) ‘Making an impact: How public policy schools can demonstrate their value to society‘, Policy Forum (October 27, 2016)
  • Dressel, B. 2016 (with Harris) ‘Metrics makes world go round’ (The Australian, Higher Education Section, October 19, 2016)
  • Dressel, B. 2014. (with Wesley) ‘Asian States in Crisis can choose more Crisis or more Democracy’, The Conversation (October 15, 2014)
    - Dressel, B. 2014. (with Dinnen) ‘Political Settlements: Old Wine in New Bottles?’, Development Policy Centre Policy Brief No. 9 (February 2014).
  • Dressel, B. 2014. (with Dinnen) ‘Four Reservations about Political Settlements’, Development Policy Centre Blog (February 2014).
  • Dressel, B. 2013 ‘Is Civil Society Advocacy Revolutionizing Public Financial Management in the Philippines?’, Development Policy Centre Blog (January 2013).
  • Dressel, B. 2012. (with Bonoan and Cienca) ‘Thrilla in Manila: Impeachment of the Philippines’s Chief Justice’, East Asia Forum Blog (March 2012).
  • Dressel, B. 2012. ‘Enhancing the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies: A Political Economy Perspective’, Development Policy Centre Policy Brief No. 3 (January 2012).
  • Dressel, B. 2012. Bring Political Economy Analysis Back: Findings from a World Bank Study on Enhancing the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies’, Development Policy Centre Blog (January 2012).
  • Dressel, B. 2005. ‘Strengthening Governance through Constitutional Reform, ADB Governance Brief, No. 13 (July 2005).

Working Papers

  • Dressel, B. 2015. When Do Constitutions Matter? Constitutional Settlements and Public Finance in Thailand and the Philippines. Crawford School Working Paper
  • Dressel, B. and Richter, K. 2005. ‘Fiscal Policy, Uneven Development, and the Quest for Regional Convergence: A Critical Perspective from Thailand’s Northeast Region’, SAIS Working Paper Series
  • Dressel, B. 2003. ‘Civil-Military Relations in Fragile Democracies. Case Study: Cote d’Ivoire 1999-2000’ (accepted by Journal of Armed Forces and Society, but voluntarily withdrawn, 2003)
  • Dressel, B. 2002. ‘The African Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI) – A Step Towards ‘African Ownership’ in Peacekeeping? Case Study: Senegal’, SAIS-African Studies Working Paper (2002)


  • Dressel B. 2014. (with Dinnen) ‘Political Settlements: Old Wine in New Bottles?’, Development Policy Centre Policy Brief No. 9 (February 2014).
  • Dressel, B. 2011. ‘Strengthening a Central Finance Agency in Times of Change. A Political Economy Study of Tonga’s Ministry of Finance and National Planning’. Case Study for the WB Project on Enhancing the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies (WB/PREM)
  • Dressel, B. and Brumby, J. .2008. ‘Framework Paper: Enhancing the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies: From Diagnosis to Action’ (WB, PREM Public Sector Unit, 2008)
  • Dressel, B. .2006. ‘Looking ahead: Thailand’s Public Expenditure Reforms and its Future Impact for Regional Allocation of Central Public Expenditure’. Background study partly published in Thailand Northeast Economic Development Report (WB/NESDB 2006)
  • Dressel, B. 2006. ‘Thailand’s Budgetary Reforms: Assessing its Depth and Breadth’. Background study for the Thailand Northeast Economic Development Report (WB/NESDB 2006)
  • Dressel, B. and Levy, B. 2005. ‘Governance of Service Delivery in the East Central Asia Region’, Report Vol. 2
  • Dressel, B. 2002. ‘Food Insecurity, Scarcity and Conflict’. Discussion Paper for USAID, Chemonics International, Inc.

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