

Research Highlights

Handbook on food: demand, supply, sustainability and security,
Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha and Anil Deolalikar, Gloucestershire, UK, Edward Elgar, 2014.

Hill, H and J Menon (2012) 'ASEAN Economic Integration: Driven by Markets, Bureaucrats, or Both?', in Mordechai E Kreinin and Michael G Plummer (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Commercial Policy, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, pp 357-386.

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Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES)

BIES is a refereed journal that has been in continuous publication since 1965. It provides a well-respected outlet for high-quality research by both Indonesians and foreigners on any and all matters pertaining to the Indonesian economy.

It has played an important role in helping the world, and Indonesians themselves, to understand Indonesia.

Each issue leads with a comprehensive 'Survey of recent developments', which aims to be reasonably accessible even to non-economists, and helps to account for the journal's diverse readership within academia, government, business and the broader public.

ASARC publications

These can be found at the ASARC web site [publications][home page].

Working papers in trade and development

[2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [2001]

This working paper series provides a vehicle for preliminary circulation of the Department's research results in the fields of economic development and international trade. The series is intended to stimulate discussion and critical comment. Staff and visitors in any part of the Australian National University are encouraged to contribute. To facilitate prompt distribution, papers are screened, but not formally refereed.

If for some reason beyond your control you cannot download the working paper and wish to obtain a hard copy, please contact the author directly.

The following working papers are in either postscript or PDF format.

2014 papers

2014/26 [PDF, 390KB] Ramesh C Paudel, 'Export performance in developing countries: A comparative perspective'

2014/25 [PDF, 515KB] Fahad Hassan Khan, 'From Revenues to Democracy?'

2014/24 [PDF, 717KB] Ditya A. Nurdianto And Budy P. Resosudarmo, 'ASEAN Community and Climate Change'

2014/23 [PDF, 368KB] Jayanthi Thennakoon And Kym Anderson, 'Could the proposed WTO Special Safeguard Mechanism protect farmers from low international prices?'

2014/22 [PDF, 355KB] Prema-chandra Athukorala And Fahad Khan, 'Global Production Sharing and the Measurement of Price Elasticities in International Trade'

2014/21 [PDF, 460KB] David Vines, 'Cooperation between countries to ensure global economic growth: a role for the G20?'

2014/20 [PDF, 299KB] Kien Trung Nguyen, 'The impact of trade and investment liberalization on the wage skill premium: evidence from Vietnam'

2014/19 [PDF, 193KB] Pierre Van Der Eng, 'International Food Aid to Indonesia, 1950s-1970s'

2014/18 [PDF, 310KB] Paul J Burke And Shuhei Nishitateno, 'Gasoline Prices and Road Fatalities: International Evidence'

2014/17 [PDF, 507KB] Prema-chandra Athukorala And Raveen Ekanayake, 'Repositioning in the Global Apparel Value Chain in the Post-MFA Era: Strategic Issues and Evidence from Sri Lanka'

2014/16 [PDF, 183KB] Prema-chandra Athukorala, 'Global production sharing and Asian trade patterns: Implications for the regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP)'

2014/15 [PDF, 434KB] Kym Anderson, 'Contributions of the GATT/WTO to global economic welfare: Empirical evidence'

2014/14 [PDF, 338KB] Hans G Jensen And Kym Anderson, 'Grain price spikes and begger-thy-neighbor policy responses: A global economy wide analysis'

2014/13 [PDF, 679KB] Aloysius G. Brata, Piet Rietveld, Henri L.f. De Groot, Budy P. Resosudarmo And Wouter Zant, 'Living with the Merapi volcano: risks and disaster microinsurance'

2014/12 [PDF, 397KB] Hal Hill And Jayant Menon, 'Cambodia: Rapid Growth in an Open, Post-Conflict Economy'

2014/11 [PDF, 1234KB] Kym Anderson And Anna Strutt, 'Food security policy options for China: lessons from other countries'

2014/10 [PDF, 1772KB] Kym Anderson And Anna Strutt, 'Implications for Indonesia of Asia's Rise in the Global Economy'

2014/09 [PDF, 1178KB] Shuhei Nishitateno, 'Network Effects on Trade in Intermediate Goods: Evidence from the Automobile Industry'

2014/08 [PDF, 1173KB] Nobuaki Yamashita, Toshiyuki Matsuura And Kentaro Nakajima, 'Agglomeration effects of inter-firm backward and forward linkages: evidence from Japanese manufacturing investment in China'

2014/07 [PDF, 1713KB] Delwar Hossain, 'Differential Impacts of Foreign Capital and Remittance Inflows on Domestic Savings in the Developing Countries: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Analysis'

2014/06 [PDF, 909KB] Prema-chandra Athukorala, 'Industrialisation through State-MNC Partnership: Lessons from the Malaysia's National Car Project'

2014/05 [PDF, 974KB] Prema-chandra Athukorala, 'Sri Lanka's Post-conflict Development Challenge: Learning from the Past'

2014/04 [PDF, 299KB] Shuhei Nishitateno And Paul J. Burke, 'The motorcycle Kuznets curve'

2014/03 [PDF, 817KB] Alin Halimatussadiah, Budy P. Resosudarmo And Diah Widyawati, 'Social Capital to Induce a Contribution to Environmental Collective Action in Indonesia: An Experimental Method'

2014/02 [PDF, 262KB] Ross H Mcleod, 'The ill-fated currency board proposal for Indonesia'

2014/01 [PDF, 608KB] Ramesh Chandra Paudel, 'Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Is Landlockedness Destiny?'

Manuscripts should be sent to:

Arndt-Corden Department of Economics
Crawford School of Public Policy
ANU College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University
Acton ACT 2601


Updated:  29 March 2016/ Responsible Officer:  Department Administrator/ Page Contact:  CAP Web Team