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Peter Whiteford

Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy


Bachelor of Arts (Honours in History) University of Queensland, 1974

Bachelor of Letters (Sociology) Australian National University, 1982

Doctor of Philosophy (Social Policy) University of York, United Kingdom, 1994 D. Phil. Thesis: “Measuring the Outcomes of Social Policy- A Comparative Analysis

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Peter Whiteford (FASSA) is a Professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University, Canberra. Between 2008 and 2012 he worked at the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney. He previously worked as a Principal Administrator in the Directorate of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris. His work at the OECD encompassed pension and welfare policies in OECD countries, Eastern Europe and China. He also worked on child poverty, family assistance policies, and welfare reform.

He has published extensively on various aspects of the Australian and international systems of income support. In July 2008, he was appointed by the Australian government to the Reference Group for the Harmer Review of the Australian pension system. He was an invited keynote speaker at the Melbourne Institute-Australia’s Future Tax and Transfer Policy Conference held in June 2009 as part of the Henry Review of Australia’s Future Tax System, and he participated in the Australian Government Tax Forum held in Canberra in October 2011.

He is an Associate Investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR).

In 2022, he was appointed as a Member of the Australian Government’s Interim Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee (EPIAC).

In 2018 he was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.

REPEC: Google Scholar: Orcid: 0000-0002-5963-6797


Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team