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Steven Cork

Honorary Associate Professor, RE&D program

Contact details

Cork S. (2011). Ways forward in the population and environment debate. Parliament of Australia, Department of Parliamentary Services, Canberra, <>

Pittock J., Cork S. & Maynard S. (2012) The state of the application of ecosystems services in Australia. Ecosystem Services 1, 111-20.

Raupach M. R., McMichael A. J., Alford K. J. S., Cork S., Finnigan J. J., Fulton E. A., Grigg N. J., Jones R. N., Leves F., Manderson L. & Walker B. H. (2013) Living scenarios for Australia as an adaptive system. Pp 1- 53 in M. R. Raupach, A. J. McMichael, J. J. Finnigan, L. Manderson and B. H. Walker (editors) “Negotiating Our Future: Living Scenarios for Australia to 2050”. Australian Academy of Science, Canberra

Cork S., Jones R. N., Butler C. D., Cocks D., Dunlop I. & Howe P. (2013) Towards scenarios for a sustainable and equitable future Australia. Pp 115-151 in M. R. Raupach, A. J. McMichael, J. J. Finnigan, L. Manderson and B. H. Walker (editors) “Negotiating Our Future: Living Scenarios for Australia to 2050”. Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.

Cork, S., Alford, K., Grigg, N., Finnegan, J., Fulton, B., and Raupach, M. (2014) Helping a nation think about its futures. Solutions, 4 (6), 9-14.

Ward, T., Cork, S., Dobbs, K., Harper, P., Harris, P., Hatton, T., Joy, R., Kanowski, P., Mackay, R., McKenzie, N., and Wienecke, B. (2014) Framing an independent, integrated and evidence-based evaluation of the state of Australia’s biophysical and human environments. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2014.891073

Alford K., Cork S., Finnigan J., Grigg N., Fulton B. & Raupauch M. (2014) The Challenges of living scenarios for Australia in 2050. Journal of Futures Studies 18, 115-26.

Costanza, R., Kubiszewski, I., Cork, S., Atkins, P., Bean, A., Diamond, A., Grigg, N., Korb, E., Logg-Scarvell, J., Navis, R. and Patrick, K. (2015) Scenarios for Australia in 2050: A synthesis and proposed survey.Journal of Futures Studies 49, 49-76

Pearson S., Lynch A. J. J., Plant R., Cork S., Taffs K., Dodson J., Maynard S., Gergis J., Gell P., Thackway R., Sealie L. & Donaldson J. (2015) Increasing the understanding and use of natural archives of ecosystem services, resilience and thresholds to improve policy, science and practice. Holocene 25, 366-78.

Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team