Stephen Howes's picture

Stephen Howes

Professor of Economics
Director, Development Policy Centre


1982-5: Bachelor of Arts (First-class Honours), University of Melbourne
1987: Graduate Diploma in Development Economics, ANU
1988: Master of Economics, Faculty of Economics, ANU
1989/90-1992/93: Doctor of Philosophy, London School of Economics.

Contact details

Phone: +61 2 6125 7553

Room: Chauffeurs Cottage, Crawford School

Publications (other than official reports)

  • Edited with LN Pillai (2022) Papua New Guinea: government, economy and society, ANU Press » view publication
  • With R. Curtain (2021) “Worsening employment outcomes for Pacific technical graduate job-seekers”, Devpolicy Discussion Paper 91 » view publication
  • With R. Curtain (2021) “Helping APTC trades graduates to migrate to Australia under the TSS”, Devpolicy Policy Brief 20 » view publication
  • With R. Curtain (2020) “Governance of the Seasonal Worker Programme in Australia and sending countries”, Devpolicy Report, ANU » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2019) “2019 Papua New Guinea economic survey”, Asia and the Pacific Policy studies, vol.6 pp. 271-289.» view publication
  • With M. Dornan (2019) “Moving beyond grants: questions about Australia’s infrastructure financing for the Pacific”, Devpolicy Report, ANU » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2018) “Pacific seasonal workers: learning from the contrasting temporary migration outcomes in Australian and New Zealand horticulture”,Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 5(3), pp. 462-480. » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2018) “2018 PNG economic survey”, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University. » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2018) “Towards a national ETS in China: cap-setting and model mechanisms”, Energy Economics, 73(June), pp.43-52. » view publication
  • (2018)”iXc: the first four years”, Devpolicy Report, ANU » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2018) “Evidence-based policy making in the tropics: are developing countries different?”, Ch. 15 in M. Fabian and R. Breunig (eds.), Hybrid public policy innovations: contemporary policy beyond ideology, Routledge. » view publication
  • (2018) Book review of The globalisation of inequality by Francois Bourguingnon Princeton University Press, 2015. » view publication
  • With T. Wood and C. Burkot (2017) “Gauging change in Australian aid: stakeholder perceptions of the government aid program.” Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4(2), pp. 237-250. » view publication
  • (2017) Book review of Aid and development: a brief introduction by Myles A. Wickstead, OUP, 2015. » view publication
  • With C. Burkot (2017) “Australian funding of global medical research: how to scale up?”, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2017) “2017 PNG economic survey”. Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 66, Australian National University. » view publication
  • With multiple authors (2016) Pacific possible - labour mobility: the ten billion dollar prize, World Bank and ANU. » view publication
  • With J. Pryke (2016) “Australian and Indian development cooperation: some similarities, more contrasts”, Chapter 11 in Chaturvedi, S. and Mulakala, A. (eds.) India’s approach to development cooperation, Routledge. » view publication
  • With multiple authors (of which Lokuge, K. the first named) (2016) “Health services for gender-based violence: MSF experience caring for survivors in urban PNG, PLoS ONE vol 11(6), e0156813. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156813 » view publication
  • With M. Clemens and C. Graham (2015) “Skill development and regional mobility: lessons from the Australia-Pacific Technical College”, Journal of Development Studies, Volume 51, Issue 11, pp. 1502-1517. (Hyperlink to Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 34.) » view publication
  • With Y. Yeung (2015) “Resources-to-cash: a cautionary tale from Mongolia”, Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 42 » view publication
  • With J. Doyle (2015) “Australia’s Seasonal Worker Program: demand-side constraints and suggested reforms”, ANU and World Bank. » view publication
  • With A. Mako, A. Swan, G. Walton, T. Webster and C. Wiltshire (2014) “A lost decade? Service delivery and reforms in Papua New Guinea 2002-2012*, ANU and NRI. » view publication
  • With R. Davies (2014) “Survey of recent developments”, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 50(2), pp. 157-183. » view publication
  • With T. Wangi (2014) “Public sector pay scales in PNG: are academics underpaid?”, Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 35, ANU
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  • (2013) “A framework for understanding aid effectiveness determinants, strategies and tradeoffs”, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 1(1), pp. 58-74 (first published online 12 December 2013).
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  • With M. Govinda Rao (eds.) (2013) Federal fiscal reform strategies: lessons from Asia and Australia, Oxford University Press. » view publication
  • With M. Govinda Rao (2013) “Federal reform strategies: an introduction” Chapter 1 in Howes and Rao (eds.) Federal fiscal reform strategies: lessons from Asia and Australia, Oxford University Press. » view publication
  • With S. Engele (2013) “Why the COAG reform agenda is floundering: recent developments in federalism and reform in Australia”, Chapter 2 in Howes and Rao (eds.). » view publication
  • (2013) “Climate change mitigation: a defining challenge for China” Ch. 5 in Huang, Y. and Yu, Miaojie (eds.) China’s new role in the world economy, Routledge. » view publication
  • With E. Olbrei (2012) “A very real and practical contribution? Lessons from the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership,” Climate Law 3(2012) 103-137.
    » view publication (discussion paper version here)
  • With D. Hay (2012) “Australia’s Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme: why has take-up been so low?” Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 5
    » view publication
  • (2012) “Sustaining growth and mitigating climate change: are the costs of climate change mitigation underestimated?” Ch.2 in Responding to climate change: global experiences and the Korean perspective, C.H. Hahn, S.-H. Lee and K.-S. Yoon (eds), Korean Development Institute and East-West Centre.
    » view publication [PDF, 818 kB]
  • With P. Wyrwoll (2012), “Asia’s environmental problems: common features and possible solutions”, in Zhang, Y., F. Kimura and S. Oum (eds.), Moving toward a new development model for East Asia - the role of domestic policy and regional cooperation. ERIA Research Project Report 2011-10, Jakarta: ERIA. pp.55-120
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  • With P. Wywroll (2012) “Asia’s wicked environmental problems,” ADBI Working Paper No. 348.
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  • With P. Wywroll (2012) “Climate change mitigation and green growth in developing Asia, ADBI Working Paper 369
    » view publication
  • With D.Doan (2012) “Revisiting the relationship between targeting and program performance,” Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 12.
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  • With S. Otor and C. Rogers (2011) “Does the World Bank have a micro-macro paradox or do the data deceive?”, Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 5.
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  • (2011) With F. Jotzo and P. Wywroll “Nordhaus, Stern, and Garnaut: The Changing Case for Climate Change Mitigation,” CCEP Working Papers 1107, Centre for Climate Economics & Policy, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.
    » view publication
  • (2011) “An Overview of Aid Effectiveness Determinants and Strategies”, Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 1.
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  • With A. Talberg (2010)”Party divides: expertise in and attitude towards climate change among Australian Members of Parliament”, CCEP working paper 8.10.
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  • (2010) with P. Dutta and R. Murgai (2010) “Small but Effective: India’s targeted unconditional cash transfers”, Economic and Political Weekly, 45(52) December 25 - December 31, 2010, pp. 63-70.
    » view publication [PDF, 774 kB]
  • with R. Garnaut, F. Jotzo and P. Sheehan (2009) “The implications of rapid development for emissions and climate-change mitigation’ Ch. 5 in D. Helm and C. Hepburn (eds.) The Economics and Politics of Climate Change, Oxford University Press.
    » view publication [PDF, 8.16 MB]
  • (2009) ‘Common ground must be found and fast’ Contribution to Climate Commitments to 2050: a roadmap for China, East West Dialogue, December,
    » view publication
  • (2009) “Review of W. Easterly’s The White Man’s Burden: why the West’s efforts to aid the rest of the world has done much ill and so little good”, Economic Record, Vol. 85, Issue 271.
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  • (2009) “Review of S. Yusuf’s Development Economics through the Decades: a critical look at 30 years of the World Development Report”, Asia Pacific Economic Letters, 23(2).
    » view publication [PDF, 37 kB]
  • (2009) “Don’t wait for Copenhagen: implications of the climate change impasse for Australia and APEC,” Asialink essay, .
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  • (2009) “Can China Rescue the Global Climate Change Negotiations?” Chapter 18 of China’s New Place in a World in Crisis, Garnaut, R., Song, L. and Thye Woo, W. (eds) ANU E Press,
    » view publication
  • (2009) With Nik Soni “Vanautu’s good recent growth performance” in Pacific Economic Bulletin, 24(1)
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  • (2009) ‘Cheap but not easy: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Papua New Guinea’ in Pacific Economic Bulletin, 24(1)
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  • (2009) “Finding a way forward: three critical issues for a post-Kyoto agreement on climate change”, Indian Growth and Development¸2(1): 75-95
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  • With R. Garnaut, F. Jotzo and P. Sheehan (2008) ‘Emissions in the Platinum Age: the implications of rapid development for climate change mitigation’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 24(2): 1–25.
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  • with D. Mishra and VJ Ravishankar (2008) “Ten years of World Bank sub-national policy-based lending to India: a retrospective” in The Indian economy sixty years after independence, Jha, R, (ed), Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  • with R. Murgai (2006) “Subsidies and salaries: issues in the restructuring of government expenditure in India,” Ch. 8 in A sustainable fiscal policy for India: an international perspective, Heller, P. and Rao, Govinda M. (eds.), OUP.
    » view publication [PDF, 2.43 MB]
  • with R. Murgai and M. Wes (2005) “The expenditure implications of India’s state-level fiscal crisis,” Chapter 9, pp. 185-206 in Economic Growth, Economic Performance and Welfare in South Asia, Jha, R. (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan.
    » view publication [PDF, 17.2 MB]
  • with N. Stern and A. Lahiri (eds., 2003) State-level reforms in India: towards effective government, Macmillan
  • with S. Jha (2003) “State finances in India: towards fiscal responsibility’, Chapter 11 pp. 258-281 in Fiscal Policies and Sustainable Growth in India, Lahiri, A. and Favaro, E. (eds.), OUP.
    » view publication [PDF, 576 kB]

Official Reports

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