Peter Whiteford's picture

Peter Whiteford

Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy


Bachelor of Arts (Honours in History) University of Queensland, 1974

Bachelor of Letters (Sociology) Australian National University, 1982

Doctor of Philosophy (Social Policy) University of York, United Kingdom, 1994 D. Phil. Thesis: “Measuring the Outcomes of Social Policy- A Comparative Analysis

Contact details

2023 Whiteford, P. (2023), Report to the Robodebt Royal Commission, March 2023,

2022 Griffiths D, Sheehan L, Petrie D, van Vreden C, Whiteford P, Collie A (2022) The health impacts of a 4-month long community-wide COVID-19 lockdown: Findings from a prospective longitudinal study in the state of Victoria, Australia. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266650.

D Griffiths, L Sheehan, C van Vreden, D Petrie, P Whiteford, MR Sim (2022), Changes in work and health of Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal cohort study, BMC Public Health 22 (1), 487.

2021 Adema, W. and Whiteford, P., “Public and Private Welfare”, in Daniel Béland, Kimberly J. Morgan, Herbert Obinger, and Christopher Pierson, (Editors), The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition.

Whiteford, P. (2021), “Statistics and stereotypes: The taxed and the taxed-not”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, First published: 06 September 2021,

Bryant, Kathleen and Huang, Chye-Ching and Millar, Jane and Whiteford, Peter, The Importance of Minimizing the Risk of Repayment When Delivering Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments: Lessons from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (July 15, 2021). Available at SSRN:

Yanotti, M., Banks, M., de Silva, A., Anantharama, N., Whiteford, P., Bowman, D. and Csereklyei, Z. (2021) The utility of new data in understanding housing insecurity, AHURI Final Report No. 351, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,, doi:10.18408/ahuri5321801 .

D Griffiths, L Sheehan, C van Vreden, D Petrie, G Grant, P Whiteford (2021), The Impact of Work Loss on Mental and Physical Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Baseline Findings from a Prospective Cohort Study, Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 1-8.

Z Mumtaz, P Whiteford (2021), Machine Learning Based Approach for Sustainable Social Protection Policies in Developing Societies, Mobile Networks and Applications 26 (1), 159-173

D Griffiths, L Sheehan, C van Vreden, P Whiteford, A Collie (2021), Returning to the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic: The concerns of Australian workers, medRxiv, doi:½021.03.28.21254520


Bowman, D., M. Banks, P. Whiteford, A. de Silva, N. Anantharama, Z, Csereklyei and S. Mallett (2020), Everyone Counts: Uncovering Patterns of Newstart Allowance Receipt, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne.

Millar, J. and P. Whiteford (2020), “Timing it right or timing it wrong: How should income-tested benefits deal with changes in circumstances?” Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. 28, 1, 3-20.

Collie, A., L. Sheehan, C. van Vreden, G. Grant, P. Whiteford, D. Petrie, M. R. Sim (2020), “Psychological Distress Among People Losing Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia” medRxiv 2020.05.06.20093773; doi:½020.05.06.20093773


Whiteford, P. “Social Security since Henderson”, in P. Saunders (Ed), Social Security Reform: Revisiting Henderson and Basic Income, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.

Adema, W., P. Fron, E. Shin and P. Whiteford, “Extending coverage and the future of social protection in Asia and the Pacific”, Chapter 2, Society at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2019, OECD Publishing, Paris,


Whiteford, P. and A. Heron, “Non-standard workers in a tax-financed social protection system: The Case of Australia” in The Future of Social Protection: What works for non-standard workers? OECD, Paris.

Stewart, M. and P. Whiteford, “Balancing Equity and Efficiency in the Tax and Transfer System” in R. Breunig and M. Fabian (Eds) Hybrid Public Policy Innovations: Contemporary Policy Beyond Ideology, Routledge.

Whiteford, P. in B. Nolan (Ed), “Inequality and Inclusive Growth: Assessing the Australian experience”, Inequality and Inclusive Growth in Rich Countries: Shared Challenges and Contrasting Fortunes, Oxford University Press.

Whiteford, P. (2018), “Intergenerational Inequality”, in How Unequal? Insights on inequality, Committee for the Economic Development of Australia, April 2018, Melbourne.


Mumtaz, Z. and P. Whiteford, “Social safety nets in the development of a welfare system in Pakistan: an analysis of the Benazir Income Support Programme”, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 39:1, 16-38, DOI:10.1080/23276665.2017.1290902 [Google Scholar: 3 citations]

Whiteford, P. “Trends in income inequality in Australia”. AQ - Australian Quarterly, Vol. 88, No. 3, Jul/Sep 2017: 30-36.

Whiteford, P., Social Security and welfare spending in Australia: Assessing long-term trends Policy Brief no: ½017, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, July Canberra.


Whiteford P, Should we be worried about “Zero Net Taxpayers”? Policy Brief no: 5/2016, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, November, Canberra [Google Scholar: 4 citations]

Regan, S. and P. Whiteford, Measures to address poverty traps caused by Income Maintenance Periods and Compensation Preclusion Periods, National Welfare Rights Network, Sydney,


Miranda Stewart, Andre Moore, Peter Whiteford, and R. Quentin Grafton, A Stocktake of the Tax System and Directions for Reform: five years after the Henry review, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, the Australian National University, February 2015

Whiteford, P. “Inequality and Its Socioeconomic Impacts”, Australian Economic Review, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 83-92, 2015.


Podger, A., D. Stanton and P. Whiteford, “Designing Social Security Systems: Learning from Australia and Other Countries”, Public Administration and Development, Volume 34, Issue 4, pages 231–250, October.

Whiteford, P., “Australia: Inequality, Prosperity and their Impacts in a Radical Welfare State”, in W. Salverda et al. (Eds), GINI Growing Inequalities’ Impacts, Volume 2, Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries’ Experiences, Oxford University Press.

Whiteford, P., “What Difference does Government Make? Measuring Redistribution in a Comparative Perspective” in A. Podger and D. Trewin (Eds), Measuring and Promoting Wellbeing, How Important is Economic Growth: Essay in honour of Ian Castles AO and a selection of Castles’ papers, Australian National University Press and Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra.


Redmond, G., R. Patulny and P. Whiteford, “The Global Financial Crisis and Child Poverty: the Case of Australia 2006-2010”, Social Policy and Administration, Volume 47, Issue 6, pages 709–728, December 2013.

Whiteford, P, “Income support, inequality and social risks”, in P. Smyth and J. Buchanan (Eds.), Inclusive Growth in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.


Peter Davidson & Peter Whiteford, “An Overview of Australia’s System of Income and Employment Assistance for the Unemployed,” OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers 129, OECD, Paris.


Redmond, G., Whiteford, P. and E. Adamson, “Middle Class Welfare in Australia: How has the Distribution of Cash Benefits changed since the 1980s?” Australian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2011: 81-102.

Whiteford, P., S. Benjamin, B. Gubhaju, C. Deeming and E. Adamson, Child Poverty and Disparities in Vanuatu, UNICEF, Suva.


Adema, W. and Whiteford, P., “Public and Private Welfare”, Chapter 8 in Francis G. Castles , F.G., S. Leibfried, J. Lewis, H. Obinger and C. Pierson (Editors), The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-957939-6.

Whiteford, P., ‘The Australian tax-transfer system: architecture and outcomes’, Economic Record, 86 (275), 528-544. Online ISSN: 1475-4932.

Whiteford, P., ‘The Henry Review and the Social Security System’, The Australian Economic Review, 43 (4), 429-436. Online ISSN: 1467-8462.

Whiteford, P., ‘Equity issues in pension design and pension reform: New Zealand in comparative perspective’, in Rashbrooke, G., Davey, J., and Stephens, B., (eds.), Retirement Income Policy and Intergenerational Equity, Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Wellington. ISBN: 978-1-877347-42-9.

Whiteford, P. “Transfer Issues and Directions for Reform: Australian Transfer Policy in Comparative Perspective, Chapter 3, Melbourne Institute (Ed), Australia’s Future Tax and Transfer Policy Conference, Proceedings, Melbourne. ISBN: 978-0-734042-17-0.


Whiteford, P., ‘Family joblessness, child poverty and welfare state design’, refereed paper presented at the 11th Path to Full Employment Conference/16th National Unemployment Conference, 3 December. ISBN: 978-0-9806034-6-0.

Tannous, W.K and Whiteford P., ‘Family-centred research on employment for jobless families in three disadvantaged areas in Australia’, refereed paper presented at the 11th Path to Full Employment Conference/16th National Unemployment Conference, 3 December. ISBN: 978-1-877347-42-9. ISBN: 978-0-9806034-6-0.

Whiteford, P. Family Joblessness in Australia, Social Inclusion Unit, Canberra. ISBN: 978-1-921385-44-5.


“How Much Redistribution do Governments Achieve? The Role of Cash Transfers and Household Taxes”, Chapter 4 in Growing Unequal: Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries, OECD, Paris, 2008. ISBN: 978-92-64-04418-0.

Felix Salditt, Peter Whiteford and Willem Adema, ‘Pension reform in China, International Social Security Review, 61 (3), July-September, pp 47-71. ISSN: 0020-871X.


Willem Adema and Peter Whiteford), Babies and Bosses: Reconciling Work and Family Life in OECD Countries: Synthesis Report, OECD, Paris.

Anna D’Addio and Peter Whiteford, (Eds.), Modernising Social Policy for the New Life Course, OECD, Paris.

Monika Queisser, Edward Whitehouse and Peter Whiteford, “The Public-Private Pension Mix in OECD Countries”, Industrial Relations Journal, 38:6, pp. 542-568.


Peter Whiteford and Willem Adema, ‘Combating Child Poverty in OECD Countries: Is Work the Answer? European Journal of Social Security, Vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 235-256. ISSN: 1388-2627.

(Peter Whiteford and Edward Whitehouse), ‘Pension Challenges and Pension Reforms in OECD Countries’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 22, No. 1, Spring 2006, pp. 78-94.

“The Welfare Expenditure Debate: Economic Myths of the Left and the Right Revisited”, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Volume 17, No. 1, September, pp. 33-78. ISSN: 1035-3046.

“Welfare State Reform in Continental and Southern Europe: An Overview of Challenges and Strategies”, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 2006/1, January-March, 2006, pp. 25-50. ISBN: 9-782110-062024.

“Increasing Employment among Older Workers: Social Security Reform in OECD Countries - A Survey and Assessment” in H. Emanuel (Ed.) Ageing and the Labour Market: Issues and Solutions - Or Are There? International Series on Social Security, Volume 12, Intersentia, Antwerp, Oxford. ISBN: 90-5095-565-7.

“The active social policy agenda: An OECD Perspective”, Social Security Documentation, no. 29, European Series, International Social Security Association, Manila. ISSN: 1013-4484. 2005

“Sustaining Social Security and Enhancing Employment”, Chapter 3, Ageing and Employment Policies: United States, OECD, Paris.

“Innovation: The key to social security progress”, Social Security Documentation, no. 29, Asia and Pacific Series, International Social Security Association, Manila. ISSN: 1013-4484.


(Edited), Income Disparities in China: An OECD Perspective, OECD, Paris.

Marie-Ange Maurice and Peter Whiteford, “Income Disparities in Post-Reform China: A Review of the International Evidence”, in Income Disparities in China: An OECD Perspective, OECD, Paris.

“Striking the Right Balance: Income Support and Work Incentives for Older People”, Chapter 3, Ageing and Employment Policies: United Kingdom, OECD, Paris.

“Mandating Pensions: The Australian Experience”, in Martin Rein and Winfried Schmähl (Eds.), Rethinking the Welfare State: The Political Economy of Pension Reform, Edward Elgar. ISBN:1-84376-102-5.


Peter Whiteford, Jane Millar and Michael Mendelson, Timing it right? Tax credits and how to respond to income changes, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, London. ISBN: 1-85935-109-3.

Whiteford, P. ‘From Enterprise Protection to Social Protection: Pension Reform in China”, Global Social Policy, 3 (1), 2003: 45-77. ISSN: 1468-0181.

(Edited), Practical Lessons In Pension Reform: Sharing the Experiences of Transition and OECD Countries, OECD, Paris.

Anne Saint-Martin and Peter Whiteford, “Making Work Pay - Making Work Possible”, Chapter 3, Employment Outlook 2003, OECD, Paris.


(Edited), Towards Asia’s Sustainable Development: The Role of Social Protection, OECD, Paris. Peter Whiteford and Michael Förster, “The Definition and Development of Social Safety Nets: What Forms of Social Protection?” in Peter Whiteford (Ed.), Towards Asia’s Sustainable Development: The Role of Social Protection, OECD, Paris.
Peter Whiteford and Gregory Angenent, The Australian System of Social Protection: An Overview, 2nd Edition. Department of Family and Community Services, Canberra, Occasional Paper No. 7, Canberra. 2001

“Lone parents and employment in Australia”, in Jane Millar and Karen Rowlingson (Eds.), Lone parents, employment and social policy: Cross-national comparisons, Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN: 1-86134-320-5. ‘Social Security in Federations: Reconciling Equity and Devolution’, International Social Science Journal, 53, 167, pp. 111-119. ISSN: 3034-3037.

“Benefits for Children: Australia”, in K. Battle and M. Mendelson (Eds.), Benefits for Children: A Four Country Study, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, Ottawa and Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York. ISBN: 1-894598-31-8.

Peter Whiteford, David Stanton and Matthew Gray, “Families and income security: changing patterns of social security and related policy issues”, Family Matters, Issue 60, Spring/Summer, pp. 24-35, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne.

“Understanding poverty and social exclusion: situating Australia internationally” in R. Fincher and P. Saunders (eds.), Creating Unequal Futures? Rethinking Poverty, Inequality and Disadvantage, Allen and Unwin, Sydney.


Peter Whiteford and Kim Bond, Trends in the Incomes and Living Standards of Older People in Australia, Department of Family and Community Services, Canberra, Research Paper No. 6, Canberra.

The Australian System of Social Protection: An Overview, Department of Family and Community Services, Canberra, Research Paper No. 1, Canberra.

“The Australian Social Security System”, in R. Koboyashi (ed.), Social Welfare in the Contemporary World: Volume 6: Australia and New Zealand, Junpousha, Tokyo. ISBN4: 8451-0550.0.

Peter Whiteford and Kim Bond, “Income Support Payments in Australia” in Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2000 Year Book Australia, No 82, ABS Catalogue No. 1301.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra. ISSN: 0312-4746


Peter Whiteford and Kim Bond “Income Support, Retirement Incomes and the Living Standards of Older People in Australia”, in Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population, Melbourne Institute and Productivity Commission, Melbourne, August 1999.


David Stanton and Peter Whiteford, Pension Systems and Policy in the APEC Economies, March 1998, Three Volumes, Report prepared for the Asian Development Bank, Manila

“Is Australia Particularly Unequal? Traditional and New Views”, in P. Smyth and B. Cass (eds.), Contesting the Australian Way: States, Markets and Civil Society, 1998, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne. ISBN: 0-521-63390-7.

Peter Whiteford and Paul Henman, “Assessing budget standards: conceptual issues and policy implications”, Social Security Journal, 1998/1, pp. 103-147.


Tony Eardley, Jonathan Bradshaw, John Ditch, Ian Gough and Peter Whiteford, Diverse Systems, Common Destination? Social Assistance in OECD Countries, Journal of European Social Policy, 7, February 1997. ISSN: 0958-9287. (Reprinted in M. Hill (Ed), “Income Maintenance”, in B. Guy Peters (Ed), The International Library of Comparative Public Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham).

‘Measuring Poverty and Income Inequality in Australia’, Agenda, 4, 1, 1997, 39-50. ISSN 1322-1833.

‘Targeting Welfare: A Comment’, Economic Record, 73, 220, March 1997, 45-50. Online ISSN: 1475-4932. 1996

(Tony Eardley, Jonathan Bradshaw, John Ditch, Ian Gough and Peter Whiteford), Social Assistance Schemes in the OECD Countries: Synthesis Report, Department of Social Security, Research Report No. 46, 1996, HMSO, London and OECD, Paris.

(Tony Eardley, Jonathan Bradshaw, John Ditch, Ian Gough and Peter Whiteford), Social Assistance Schemes in the OECD Countries: Country Reports, Department of Social Security, Research Report No. 47, 1996, HMSO, London and OECD, Paris.

(Peter Whiteford, Steven Kennedy and Jonathan Bradshaw), ‘The economic circumstances of children in ten countries’, in J. Brannen and M. O’Brien (eds.), Children in Families: Research and Policy, 1996, Falmer Press, London. ISBN: 0-7507-0476-4.

“Labour Market and Income Inequalities in Australia: A Comparative Review”, in Proceedings of the Future of Work and Access to Incomes Seminar, Commission for the Future of Work, Australian Council of Social Service, Sydney, December.


Peter Whiteford and Steven Kennedy Incomes and Living Standards of Older People, 1995, Department of Social Security, Research Report No. 34, HMSO, London.

Steven Kennedy, Sandra Hutton and Peter Whiteford, Equalisation of State Pension Ages: the Gender Impact, 1995, Research Discussion Series No. 10, Equal Opportunities Commission, Manchester.

‘The Use of Replacement Rates in International Comparisons of Benefit Systems’, International Social Security Review, 48, 2 1995, 3-30.

Jane Millar and Peter Whiteford, ‘Child support in lone parent families: policies in Australia and the United Kingdom’ in R.C. Rist (Ed.), Policy Evaluation, The International Library of Comparative Public Policy Volume 3, 1995, Edward Elgar, Aldershot.

‘Families, Benefits and Taxes: Support for Children in a Comparative Perspective’, Social Security Journal, June. ‘Does Australia have a Ghetto Underclass?’ Social Security Journal, June.

“50 Years after Beveridge”, Social Security Journal, December, pp. 195-199.


‘Income distribution and social policy under a reformist government - the Australian experience’, Policy and Politics, 22, 4, October 1994, 239-255. ISSN: 0305-5736.

‘Implementing child support - are there lessons from Australia?’ Benefits, 11, October 1994, 3-5.

Peter Whiteford and Jonathan Bradshaw, ‘Benefits and incentives for lone parents: a comparative analysis’, International Social Security Review, 47, 3-4, 1994, 69-89.

Sandra Hutton and Peter Whiteford, ‘Gender and retirement incomes: a comparative analysis’ in S. Baldwin and J. Falkingham (eds.), Social Security: New Challenges to the Beveridge Model, 1994, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead. ISBN: 0-7450-1524-7.


Jonathan Bradshaw, John Ditch, Hilary Holmes and Peter Whiteford, Support for Children: A Comparison of Arrangements in Fifteen Countries, 1993, Department of Social Security, Research Report No. 21, HMSO, London.

Jane Millar and Peter Whiteford, ‘Child support in lone parent families: policies in Australia and the United Kingdom’, Policy and Politics, 21, 1, 1993, 59-72.

Jonathan Bradshaw, John Ditch, Hilary Holmes and Peter Whiteford, ‘A comparison of child support in fifteen countries’, Journal of European Social Policy, 3, 4, 1993, 255-271.

Bruce Bradbury, Jennifer Doyle and Peter Whiteford, ’ Trends in the disposable incomes and housing costs of Australian families, 1982/83 to 1989/90’ in G. Mahony (Ed), The Australian Economy under Labor, 1993, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. ISBN: 1-86373-422-8.

Peter Whiteford and Leslie Hicks, ‘The costs of lone parents’ in J. Bradshaw (Ed), Budget Standards for the United Kingdom, 1993, Avebury, Aldershot.

‘Welfare Targeting’, Parliamentary Brief, December, 2, 5, 58-59.


John Ditch, Peter Whiteford and Sara Pickles, The New Structure of Child Benefit: A Review, 1992, Coalition for Child Benefit and Child Poverty Action Group, London.

Russell Ross and Peter Whiteford, ‘Poverty in 1986: aboriginal families with children’ Australian Journal of Social Issues, 27, 2, 1992, 92-111.


Immigrants and the Social Security System, 1991, Bureau of Immigration Research, AGPS, Canberra.

The Costs of Sole Parenthood, 1991, Reports and Proceedings No. 95, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales.

‘Are immigrants over-represented in the Australian social security system?’ Journal of the Australian Population Association, 8, 2, 1991, 93-109.

Peter Saunders and Peter Whiteford, ‘Assessing recent Australian social security developments and reform proposals’ in F. H. Gruen (Ed), Australian Economic Policy, 1991, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra. ISBN: 0-7315-0239-6.


Peter Whiteford and Peter Saunders, Indirect Tax Reform and Low Income Groups: An Assessment of Methods of Compensation, 1990, Australian Tax Research Foundation, Sydney. (ISBN 0 949482 31 5 • ISSN 0 817 4679)

(Peter Saunders and Peter Whiteford) ‘Compensating low income groups for indirect tax reforms’, Australian Tax Forum, 7, 4, 1990, 443-464.

(Tran Nam Binh and Peter Whiteford) ‘Household equivalence scales: new Australian estimates from the 1984 Household Expenditure Survey’, Economic Record, 66, 194, September 1990, 221-234.

(Editor), Social Policy in Australia: What Future for the Welfare State? Volume 5 - Income Maintenance and Income Security, Proceedings of the National Social Policy Conference, Reports and Proceedings No. 83, May, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales.

(Editor) Sole Parents and Public Policy, Reports and Proceedings No. 89, May, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales


(with Peter Saunders) Measuring Poverty: A Review of the Issues, 1989, Discussion Paper 89/11, Economic Planning Advisory Council, Canberra.

(Peter Saunders, Bruce Bradbury and Peter Whiteford) ‘Unemployment benefit replacement rates’ Australian Bulletin of Labour, 15, 3, June 1989, 223-244.

(Peter Whiteford, Bruce Bradbury and Peter Saunders) ‘Poverty traps in the Australian social security system’, Economic Analysis and Policy, 19, 1, March 1989, 1-28.

‘Taxation and social security: an overview’, Australian Tax Forum, 6, 1, 1989, 1-39.

‘Taxation reform and the tax threshold’, in J. Head (Ed), Australian Tax Reform - in Retrospect and Prospect, Australian Tax Research Foundation Conference Series No. 8, 1989, Sydney.

(Peter Whiteford, Bruce Bradbury and Peter Saunders) ‘Inequality and deprivation among families with children: an exploratory study’, in D. Edgar, D. Keane and P. McDonald (eds.), Child Poverty, 1989, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. ISBN: 0-04-370184-1.

(Bettina Cass and Peter Whiteford) ’ Social security policies’ in B. Head and A. Patience (eds.), From Fraser to Hawke, 1989, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne.

(Bettina Cass and Peter Whiteford) ‘Income support, the labour market and the household’ in D. Ironmonger (Ed), Households Work, 1989, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. ISBN: 0-04-928068-6.

(Edited with Sara Graham) Support and Services for People with Disabilities, Reports and Proceedings No. 76, February, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales.


(Meredith Edwards and Peter Whiteford) ‘The development of Government policies on poverty and income distribution’, Australian Economic Review, 83, spring 1988, 54-73. Online ISSN: 1467-8462.


(Peter Saunders and Peter Whiteford) Ending Child Poverty - An Assessment of the Government’s Family Package, 1987, Reports and Proceedings No. 69, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales.

‘Unemployment and Families’, Australian Bulletin of Labour, 14, 1, December 1987, 338-357. ‘The costs of children: the implications of recent research for income support policies’, Social Security Journal, Winter, 3-20.


(Allan Borowski, James Schultz and Peter Whiteford) ‘Providing adequate retirement income: what role for occupational superannuation’, Australian Journal on Ageing, 6, 1, February 1986, 3-13.

Issues in Assistance for Families - Horizontal and Vertical Equity Considerations, 1986, Background/Discussion Paper No. 5, Social Security Review, Canberra.$File/PolicyResearchPaperNo29.pdf

(Jim Moore and Peter Whiteford) Trends in the Disposable Incomes of Australian Families, 1964/65 to 198⅝6, 1986, Background/Discussion Paper No. 11, Social Security Review, Canberra.$File/PolicyResearchPaperNo31.pdf


A Family’s Needs: Equivalence Scales, Poverty and Social Security, 1985, Research Paper No. 27, Development Division, Department of Social Security, Canberra.$File/PolicyResearchPaperNo27.pdf

(Ann Harding and Peter Whiteford) Equity, Tax Reform and Redistribution, 1985, Research Paper No. 28, Development Division, Department of Social Security, Canberra.$File/PolicyResearchPaperNo28.pdf


(Judy Raymond and Peter Whiteford) Some Implications of the Interaction of the Personal Income Taxation and Social Security Systems, 1984, Research Paper No. 22, Development Division, Department of Social Security, Canberra.$File/PolicyResearchPaperNo22.pdf


Work Incentive Experiments in the United States and Canada, 1981, Research Paper No. 12, Development Division, Department of Social Security, Canberra.$File/PolicyResearchPaperNo12.pdf

Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team