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John McCarthy

Professor, Crawford School; Resources Environment and Development program.


B.Sc (University of Melbourne), B.A. Hons (Monash University), PhD (Murdoch University)

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For the full publications list see Orchid

Refereed Articles

  • JF McCarthy, G Nooteboom, S Hadi, PM Kutanegara, N Muliati (2023) The Politics of Knowledge and Social Cash Transfers: The Constitutive Effects of An Anti-Poverty Regime In Indonesia Journal of Contemporary Asia, 1-24
  • JF McCarthy, A Dhiaulhaq, S Afiff, K Robinson (2022) Land reform rationalities and their governance effects in Indonesia Geoforum 132: 92-102
  • JRA Butler, F Davila, R Alders, RM Bourke, S Crimp, J McCarthy (2021) A rapid assessment framework for food system shocks: Lessons learned from COVID-19 in the Indo-Pacific region Environmental Science & Policy 117, 34-45
  • R Sunam, K Barney, JF McCarthy (2021) Transnational labour migration and livelihoods in rural Asia: Tracing patterns of agrarian and forest change Geoforum 118, 1-13
  • J.F. McCarthy (2020) The paradox of progressing sideways: food poverty and livelihood change in the rice lands of outer island Indonesia, The Journal of Peasant Studies,47(5) 1077-1097
  • Dhiaulhaq,A & J.F. McCarthy (2019)Indigenous Rights and Agrarian Justice Framings in Forest Land Conflicts in Indonesia, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2019.1670243
  • Dhiaulhaq, A & J.F. McCarthy & Y Yasmi (2018). “Resolving industrial plantation conflicts in Indonesia: Can mediation deliver?,” Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 91(C), pages 64-72.
  • J.F. McCarthy, M. Sumarto (2018) Distributional Politics and Social Protection in Indonesia. Dilemmas of Layering, Nesting and Social Fit in Jokowi’s Poverty Policy, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 35(2)
  • Prescott, G. W., Sutherland, W. J., Aguirre, D., Baird, M., Bowman, V., Brunner, J., Connette, G. M., McCarthy, J.F, et al. (2017). Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar. Conservation Biology: journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 31 (6), 1257-1270.
  • McCarthy, J.F, K. Obidzinski (2017) ‘Framing the food poverty question: Policy choices and livelihood consequences in Indonesia’, Journal of Rural Studies, 54 344-354
  • McCarthy,J.F. D.J. Steenbergen, C. Warren, G. Acciaioli, G. Baker, A. Lucas & V. Rambe (2017): Community Driven Development and Structural Disadvantage: Interrogating the Social Turn in Development Programming in Indonesia, The Journal of Development Studies, 53:12
  • Vel, J, McCarthy, J & Zen, Z (2016), ‘The Conflicted Nature of Food Security Policy: Balancing Rice, Sugar and Palm Oil in Indonesia’, Anthropological Forum, pp. 1-15.
  • Anderson, Z, McCarthy, J, Kusters, K (2016), ‘Green growth rhetoric versus reality: Insights from Indonesia’, Global Environmental Change: Part A - Human and Policy Dimensions, vol. 38, pp. 30-40.
  • Undargaa, S., & McCarthy, J.F. (2015) Beyond Property: Co-Management and Pastoral Resource Access in Mongolia. World Development
  • Sunam R.K & J.F. McCarthy (2015): Reconsidering the links between poverty, international labour migration, and agrarian change: critical insights from Nepal, The Journal of Peasant Studies
  • McCarthy, J.F. (2014) Using community led development approaches to address vulnerability after disaster: Caught in a sad romance, Global Environmental Change 27 (2014) 144–155
  • McCarthy, JF. (2012) Certifying in Contested Spaces: private regulation in Indonesian forestry and palm oil. Third World Quarterly, Volume 33, Issue 10, 2012 pages 1871-1888
  • McCarthy, JF., Jacqueline A.C. Vel & Suraya Afiff (2012) Trajectories of land acquisition and enclosure: development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia’s Outer Islands, Journal of Peasant Studies, 39:2, 521-549
  • McCarthy, JF., P. Gillespie and Z. Zen (2012) “Swimming Upstream: Local Indonesian Production Networks in “Globalized” Palm Oil Production.” World Development 40(3), March 2012.
  • McCarthy, JF. (2010) Processes of inclusion and adverse incorporation: oil palm and agrarian change in Sumatra, Indonesia Journal of Peasant Studies, 37(4) pages 821 - 850
  • McCarthy, JF. and Z Zen. (2010) Regulating the Oil Palm Boom: Assessing the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance Approaches to Agro-industrial Pollution in Indonesia Law & Policy 32(1) p 153-179
  • R. K. Sunam and J. F. McCarthy (2010) Advancing Equity in Community Forestry: Recognition of the Poor Matters International Forestry Review, 12(4):370-382.
  • McCarthy, JF. and R.A Cramp (2009) Policy narratives, landholder engagement, and oil palm expansion on the Malaysian and Indonesian frontiers, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 175, No. 2, pp. 112-123.
  • McCarthy, JF. (2007) Shifting Resource Entitlements and Governance Reform During the Agrarian Transition in Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Legal Pluralism Nr 55. p65-122 2007
  • McCarthy, JF. (2007) “The Demonstration Effect: Natural Resources, Ethnonationalism and the Aceh Conflict” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (28) 314-333.
  • McCarthy, JF. (2004) Changing to Gray: Decentralization and the Emergence of Volatile Socio-legal Configurations in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. World Development. 32(7) p. p. 1199-1223, July 2004.
  • McCarthy, JF (2000) The Changing Regime: Forest Property and Reformasi in Indonesia. Development and Change,Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2000, p91-129.

Book chapters

  • John, McCarthy, ‘COVID-19 and food systems in Indonesia’ in L, Robins, (ed.), COVID-19 and food systems in the Indo-Pacific: An assessment of vulnerabilities, impacts and opportunities for action.
  • McCarthy, J.F. and K. Robinson (2016) Land, economic development, social justice and environmental management in Indonesia: The search for the people’s sovereignty in McCarthy, JF and K Robinson (2016) p1-34 in Land & Development in Indonesia: Searching for the People’s Sovereignty, ISEAS, Singapore.
  • McCarthy, J.F., Steenbergen, D., Acciaioli, G., Baker, G., Lucas, A., Rambe, V., Warren, C., 2014. Dilemmas of participation: the National Community Empowerment Program. In: Hill, H. (Ed.), Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized Indonesia.ISEAS, Singapore.
  • McCarthy, JF. (2013) Tenure and Transformation in Central Kalimantan After the “Million Hectare” Project p 183-214 in Land for the People. The State and Agrarian Conflict in Indonesia Edited by Anton Lucas and Carol Warren Ohio University Press, Athens
  • McCarthy, JF. (2011) “The Limits of Legality: Governance, Extra-legality and Resource Control in Indonesia” in State and Illegality in Indonesia, KITLV Press edited by van Klinken and Aspinall
  • McCarthy, JF. and Moeliano, M., (2011) ‘The Post-Authoritarian Politics of Agrarian and Forest Reform in Indonesia’ In Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Politics, Richard Robison (ed), Routledge.
  • McCarthy, JF. (2007) “Sold Down the River: Renegotiating Public Power over Nature in Central Kalimantan”. In ‘Renegotiating Boundaries: Local politics in post-Suharto Indonesia. KITLV Press, 2005. Edited by Henk Schulte Nordholt and Gerry van Klinken.
  • McCarthy JF and Z Zen (2007) Learning from King Canute: policy approaches to biodiversity conservation, lessons from the Leuser Ecosystem In Biodiversity and Human Livelihoods in Protected Areas. Case Studies from the Malay Archipelago. Ed by Navjot S. Sodhi, Gregy Acciaioli, Maribeth Erb and Alan Khee-Jin Tan Cambridge University Press.
  • McCarthy, JF (2000) Local Voice in Shifting Modes of Decentralised Resource Control in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Resource Management in the Asia Pacific, Working Paper No 65.
  • Barr, C.; Resosudarmo, I. A. P.; Dermawan, A.; McCarthy, J.F.; Moeliono, M.; Setiono, B. 2006 ‘Decentralization of forest administration in Indonesia: implications for forest sustainability, economic development and community livelihoods’, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia.


Policy briefs


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