Dr Adele Chynoweth FHEA OAM's picture

Dr Adele Chynoweth FHEA OAM

Senior Research Officer

Contact details


Chynoweth, A., (ed.) ‘Museums and the Working Class’ (2021) London and New York: Routledge.

Chynoweth, A. (2020) ‘Goodna Girls: a History of Children in a Queensland Mental Asylum’ (Canberra, ANU Press).

Chynoweth, A., Lynch, B., Petersen, K., Smed, S., (eds.) (2020) ‘Museums and Social Change: Challenging the Unhelpful Museum’, London and New York: Routledge.

Book Chapters

Chynoweth, A, in conversation with Michelle McGrath (2021) ‘Looking Backwards, Planning Forward: ‘Museum as Muck’ Advocating for the Working Class in Museums’ in in Chynoweth, A., (ed.) Museums and the Working Class (2021, in press) London and New York: Routledge.

Chynoweth, A (2021) ‘Which Side Are You On? Towards a Meaningful Understanding of Class in Museums’ in Chynoweth, A., (ed.) Museums and the Working Class (2021, in press) London and New York: Routledge.

Chynoweth, A (2021) ‘Keeping Your Head Down at the Hyde Park Barracks Museum’ in Chynoweth, A., (ed.) Museums and the Working Class (2021, in press) London and New York: Routledge.

Chynoweth, A (2020) ‘A Call to Justice at the National Museum of Australia’ in Adele Chynoweth, Bernadette Lynch, Klaus Petersen, Sarah Smed, (eds.) (2020) Museums and Social Change: Challenging the Unhelpful Museum, London and New York: Routledge.

Chynoweth, A. (2017) ‘Rocking the Boat: the Hay Gaol Museum and the Disruptive Narratives of Forgotten Australians’ in Jacqueline Z. Wilson, Sarah Hodgkinson, Justin Piché and Kevin Walby (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Tourism, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 295-318.

Chynoweth, A. (2015) ‘Constructing a Pedigree’ in Dee Michell, Jacqueline Z. Wilson, and Verity Archer (eds) Bread and Roses: Voices of Australian Academics from the Working Class, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 129-138.

Chynoweth, A. (2014) ‘Forgotten or Ignored Australians? The Case for an Inclusive Museum Practice in Australia’ in Paul Ashton and Jacqueline Z. Wilson (eds.) Silent System: Forgotten Australians and the Institutionalisation of Women and Children, Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty. Ltd., 177-192.

Chynoweth, A. (2014) ‘Museer og Menneske –Rettigheder: Udstillingen ‘Inside’ og ‘Glemte Australiere’ in Ida Brændholt Lundgaard and Jacob Thorek Jensen (eds.) Museer: Viden, Demokrati, Transformation Copenhagen: Kulturstyrelsen, 148 – 163.

Chynoweth, A. (2014) ‘Museums and Human Rights: The ‘Inside’ Exhibition and Forgotten Australians’ in Ida Brændholt Lundgaard and Jacob Thorek Jensen (eds.) Museums: Knowledge, Democracy, Transformation, Copenhagen: Kulturstyrelsen, 148-163.

Chynoweth, A. (1996) ‘Introduction’ in Raw Lawler Summer of the Seventeenth Doll Sydney: Currency Press.

Journal articles

Chynoweth, A. (2014) ‘Your Rhonda is Downstairs! The Need for a Whole-of- Museum Approach to Survivors of Trauma’ in Museum Worlds: Advances in Research 2, 152-155.

Chynoweth, A. (2014) ‘Women Crucified for the Sins of the Fathers: Censorship and the Crucifixion Motif in the Art of Rachael Romero’ in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 30 (1), 167-184.

Chynoweth, A. (2013) ‘The Stain is Indelible: Rachael Romero’s The Magdalene Diaries’ in n.paradoxa Vol 32 (July), 48-58.

Chynoweth, A. (2012) ‘Let our Histories be Visible’: Human Rights Museology and the National Museum of Australia’s Inside: Life in Children’s Homes and Institutions’ in reCollections 7 (1), http://recollections.nma.gov.au/issues/volume_7_number_1/commentary/let_...

Chynoweth, A. (2009) ‘Theatre in Australia’s National Capital’ in Australasian Drama Studies Association Journal, No 54 (April), 159-177.

Chynoweth, A. (2001) ‘Post-Feminist Physical Theatre: The Abject and the Split Subject in My Vicious Angel by Christine Evans’ in Australasian Drama Studies Association Journal No. 37 (April), 44-57.

Chynoweth, A. (2001) ‘A Review of the Australasian Drama Studies’ Association Conference 2000, University of Newcastle: Performance and Spectacle’ in Research in Drama Education Vol. 6 no. 1 (March), 135-136.

Chynoweth, A. (1999) ‘Give Me the Map There: a Review of the Magdalena Aotearoa International Women’s Performance Festival, Wellington, NZ, 21-29 March, 1999’ in Australian Feminist Studies Vol. 4 no.3 (October), 425-426.

Opinion Pieces

Chynoweth, A. (2019) ‘Bring the Hidden History of Hay Gaol out of the Shadows’, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences News, 1 March https://cass.anu.edu.au/news/opinion-bring-hidden-history-hay-gaol-out-s...

Chynoweth, A. (2016) ‘Who is protected by the Royal Commission’s private hearings? The case of Wolston Park Hospital survivors’, On Line Opinion, 22 March, http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=18116

Chynoweth, A. (2014) ‘The Parramatta Folsom Prison Blues: What’s Wrong with That?’ The Conversation, 29 October, https://theconversation.com/the-parramatta-folsom-prison-blues-whats-wro...

Chynoweth, A. (2013) ‘Good Shepherd Sisters Denying History’, On Line Opinion, 19 June, https://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=18116

Chynoweth, A. (2013) ‘The History Wars are Over’ The Conversation, 6 March, http://theconversation.com/the-history-wars-are-over-now-its-time-to-get...

Chynoweth, A. (2008) ‘A New Scene for Theatre?’ The Canberra Times, September 26.


Chynoweth, A. (2023) Writer, Producer, Director, Distributor: ‘Eighty Twenty: Mark Opitz Remembers’ (Tutwork Productions, FOXTEL)

Chynoweth, A. (2014) Researcher, Interviewee ‘Westbrook’ (Shadow Productions, FOXTEL).

Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team