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Carolyn Hendriks

Professor of Public Policy and Governance


B.E. (Environmental) (1st Class Hons, UNSW) PhD in Political Science (ANU)

Contact details

Selected Opinion Pieces

Hendriks C.M., S. A. Ercan, and J. Boswell (2020) ‘Mending our threadbare democracies’ The Policy Forum, 29 October.

Milne S., C.M. Hendriks & Mahanty, S. (2020), ‘From the bushfires to coronavirus, our old ‘normal’ is gone forever. So what’s next?’ The Conversation. 8 April.

Howden, M, and C. M. Hendriks (2020) ‘We’re facing a climate crisis but there is good news’. Sydney Morning Herald

Hendriks, Carolyn M., Ron Levy, Simon Niemeyer, Wendy Russell and Beth Slatyer (2019) ‘ACT can lead the way with a permanent citizens’ panel’ Canberra Times. 6 Aug 2019.

Carolyn M Hendriks & Jennifer Lees-Marshment ‘Getting ‘real’: why political leaders want to connect informally with everyday people’ The Mandarin 13 Sept 2018.

Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team