Germany’s climate policy and the Paris Agreement

Crawford School of Public Policy | Centre for Climate Economics and Policy

Event details

Public Seminar

Date & time

Tuesday 12 June 2018


Acton Theatre Level 1, JG Crawford Building #132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Ursula Fuentes Hutfilter, Senior Climate Policy Adviser, Climate Analytics Australia.

Ursula Fuentes Hutfilter will present the current state of German Climate Policy in the context of the Paris Agreement, focusing on targets for 2020, 2030, and 2050. She will discuss how this relates to the EU Climate Policy and targets and give an overview of the latest work of the Climate Action Tracker, an independent analysis tracking climate action since 2009 in 32 countries covering about 80% of global emissions.

Dr Ursula Fuentes Hutfilter is Senior Climate Policy Adviser with Climate Analytics Australia, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Murdoch University, Western Australia. She leads a project under the Australian-German Energy Transition Research Hub. From 2013 until January 2017 she was Head of Unit for “Strategic Aspects of Climate Policy and the National Climate Plan” at the German Ministry for the Environment. In this role she was responsible for general and strategic aspects of climate policy, and for the development of the German domestic climate plans and programmes at national level, covering energy, buildings, transport, industry, agriculture, and forestry. For more information visit here.

This event is sponsored by the Energy Transition Hub

Updated:  17 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team