After Hazelwood: what can be learned from Latrobe Valley regional transition policies?

Crawford School of Public Policy
Photo by Mriya on Wikimedia Commons

Event details


Date & time

Tuesday 08 December 2020


Online via Zoom


John Wiseman, ANU Crawford School, Mark Wakeham, Australian Council of Trade Unions and Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne, Sebastian Fastenrath, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne, Karen Cain, Chief Executive, Latrobe Valley Authority, Wendy Farmer, President, Voices of the Valley. Moderator: Frank Jotzo – ANU Crawford School


Holly Zervos

In this webinar we review and evaluate key policy initiatives and strategies designed to strengthen regional economic, social and environmental outcomes in the Latrobe Valley in the three years following the closure of the Hazelwood power station. We find that employment and economic outcomes in the three years since closure indicate promising initial progress in creating the foundations required to facilitate an equitable transition to a more prosperous and sustainable regional economy. More broadly the Hazelwood case study experience provides support for a number of emerging propositions about regional energy transition including that well managed, just transitions to a prosperous zero-carbon economy are likely to be strengthened by i) proactive, mission oriented industry policy and regional renewal strategies; ii) respectful and inclusive engagement with workers and communities; and iii) adequately funded, well-coordinated public investment in eeconomic and community services and infrastructure.

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