Towards a long-term emissions strategy for Australia: perspectives on scenarios, investment, and industry

Crawford School of Public Policy | Centre for Climate Economics and Policy

Event details

Public Seminar

Date & time

Wednesday 26 February 2020


Molonglo Theatre, #132 Crawford Building, Lennox Crossing, The ANU


Erwin Jackson, Tennant Reed, Anna Skarbek and ANU academics


Holly Zervos

Under the Paris Agreement on climate change, national governments are invited by the 2020 COP climate conference to submit a long-term strategy for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Many major economies have already submitted 2050 emissions strategies, some in conjunction with net-zero emissions goals. At this event, several speakers will discuss the need for a national 2050 emissions strategy, and benefits it could bring for investment decisions, innovation, and realising economic and local environmental benefits from decarbonisation.

The discussion will cover the question of whether a national strategy could provide a framework for coordinating the net-zero 2050 emissions targets that have been set by Australian states and territories, and what role industry-driven action might play in getting on track to deep emissions cuts.


Erwin Jackson, Policy Director, Investor Group on Climate Change

Tennant Reed, Head of Climate, Energy and Environment Policy, Australian Industry Group

Anna Skarbek, Chief Executive Officer, ClimateWorks Australia

And ANU academics.

Updated:  16 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team