Economics and the Environment Network Symposium

Sponsored by the Environmental Economics Research Hub

22-24 November 2010, Molonglo Theatre,
Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU

To mark the completion of the Environmental Economics Research Hubs’ research agenda, the Economics and Environment Network is holding a three day Symposium.

The EEN workshop is being funded by the CERF (Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities Program) through the EERH.

The goals of the Symposium are to:

  • showcase the results of the Hub’s 20 plus research projects to the wider profession of environmental and research economists and relevant policy makers/advisors
  • provide an opportunity for researchers from outside the Hub to highlight their findings.
Frank Jotzo
Amy White
Jeff Bennett

The programme for the Symposium will consist of 22 papers contributed by Hub researchers and 14 invited papers from economists outside the Hub. The non-Hub invited presentations will be selected through a competitive call –for-papers process. Financial assistance will be provided for those who are successful in that process:

  • Eight grants of $1000 each for researchers based in Australia and
  • Six grants of $3000 each for international researchers

The EEN Symposium will be held at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University

Registration for the Symposium is free.

To register your attendance, please email your name, organisation, email address and phone number to Candice Sferco at


Updated:  10 March 2015/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement /Page Contact:  CAP Web Team