
Archive: Update book launches

Indonesia beyond the Water's Edge: Managing an Archipelagic State, edited by Robert Cribb and Michele Ford; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, August 2009

Update Book Publication: Conference and Book Launching in Jakarta

The book from the 25th Indonesia Update conference in 2008, in keeping with the practice of recent years, will be launched in Indonesia in conjunction with a 'Mini Update Conference'. This event will be held on 5 August 2009 between 09.00am – 1.00pm (followed by lunch), at the Hotel Santika Jakarta, Jl. K. S. Tubun no. 7, Slipi, Jakarta.

The Mini Update and the Book Launch is scheduled to be opened by the Minister of Defence, Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Juwono Sudarsono. Rizal Sukma and Raden Pardede will give an update on recent Indonesian political and economic developments. Robert Cribb, Michele Ford, Lenore Lyons, and Hasjim Djalal will discuss topics addressed in the book.

For registration and enquiries, please contact Ms. Tevy Poluan on+62 21 5365 4601 or email or

Expressing Islam: Religious Life and Politics in Indonesia, edited by Greg Fealy and Sally White; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, August 2008

Fealy (ANU), Sukma (CSIS) and Wilson (Murdoch University) at 2008 book launchJakarta launch of the Update book, showing Greg Fealy (ANU) with Rizal Sukma (CSIS) and Ian Wilson (Murdoch University).

Update Book Publication: Conference and Book Launchings

This book from the 24th Indonesia Update conference in 2007, in keeping with the practice of recent years, book was launched in both Indonesia and Australia. The Indonesian launch, accompanied by a 'Mini Update Conference', took place in Jakarta on 26 August at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The Mini-Update was officially opened by Blair Exell, Minister-Counsellor at the Australian Embassy and director of AusAID's Indonesia program. Six scholars presented papers to the conference: Anies Baswedan and Ross McLeod analysed recent political and economic developments, respectively; and Greg Fealy, Robin Bush, Syafiq Hasyim and Ian Wilson spoke on different aspects of contemporary Islamic culture and politics in Indonesia. Following this, Expressing Islam was formally launched by Azyumardi Azra, Advisor to Vice-President Yusuf Kalla and former rector of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta. About 100 people attended the event, including academics, government officials, analysts and journalists.

The Australian launch took place at Melbourne University's Centre for Islamic Law and Society on 17 November. Sally White discussed the aims and contents of Expressing Islam and Robin Bush, Indonesia Representative for The Asia Foundation, Jakarta, formally launched the book.

Different Societies, Shared Futures: Australia, Indonesia and the Region (Editor John Monfries; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2006)

Farmer, Wirayuda, Soesastro and Manning at 2006 book launchWilliam Farmer, Hassan Wirayuda, Hadi Soesastro and Chris Manning at the Jakarta launch of Different Societies, Shared Futures.

Update Book Publication: Conference and Book Launching in Jakarta

This book is the product of the 23rd Update conference, and was well and truly launched by mid August, with events in Jakarta, Singapore and Canberra. Speakers focused on many themes adumbrated in the book — the unpredictability of the relationship and the often highly emotional nature of public reactions on both sides, as well as more positive aspects, such as constructive cooperation in disaster relief and rehabilitation, and in multilateral forums.

A very successful and well-attended book launch and all day seminar were held in Jakarta on July 4. The opening address was given by the Indonesian foreign minister, Hassan Wirayuda, with a response by the Australian Ambassador, William Farmer. The seminar featured book contributors including former Indonesian Ambassador to Australia Wiryono, and Indonesia Australia Business Council President Noke Kiroyan. Valuable contributions were made also by the trade minister, Mari Pangestu, former foreign minister Ali Alatas, parliamentary member Muhammad Hikam, and senior Australian journalist Patrick Walters.

Mr Hamzah Thayeb
Mr Hamzah Thayeb, Indonesian Ambassador to Australia

On July 5, a launch in Singapore by the Australian High Commissioner, Miles Kupa, at the premises of the book's publisher, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), was attended by approximately 50 people.

Finally, a third launch, by the Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Ms Teresa Gambaro MP, was held at the ANU on August 9, and attended by the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Mr Hamzah Thayeb, and an audience of some 50 people.



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