
H. W. Arndt lecture series

Heinz Arndt was Professor of Economics at the ANU for 30 years and Emeritus Professor for 20 years from 1981. He founded the Indonesia Project in 1965 and was the head of the project until 1982. He was also the founding editor of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies and later editor of the Asian-Pacific Economic Literature journal. The lecture series honours Professor Heinz Arndt's long and distinguished career in development economics, Australian-Indonesian relations as well as his contributions to the University. For many years, the late Professor Arndt was one of the most influential economists in Australia, and was one of the first to recognise the importance of the Asia-Pacific region to Australia.

This lecture series is organized by The Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, at the Australian National University. All questions related to this lecture should be addressed to the Head of The Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.

Photograph of H W Arndt